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    Coin World [04/30/1969] (pg. 15)


    dish effect where the field of the coin joins the rim Under high magnification dif ferences also were apparent in the quality of the letters in the legend between the clean struck bars of the struck specimen and the characteristic lumpiness of the cast copy Coin dealers were advising possessors of the fake coins to alert the secret Service in their areas Court Upholds Conviction Of Sheiner Piacentile The conviction of two Bronx N Y men William Sheiner and Victor Piacentile on charges of fraud involving so called mul tistruck 1964 Lincoln cents was upheld on April 4 by the U S District Court of Appeals for the second district of New York The pair was convicted Oc tober 5 1967 in U S District Court for the southern district of New York of mail and wire fraud possession and sale

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    Coin World [10/25/1967] (pg. 3)


    COIN WORLD Wednesday October 25 1967 Page Three Took Time Money The dramatics of a 1965 bag opening cere mony pictured above played an important part in the conviction of William Sheiner and Victor C Piacentile for mail fraud wire fraud fraudu lent possession and sale of altered coins and conspiracy in a decision handed down by Judge Robert C Zarapano United States district judge in U S district court southern district of New York filed October 5 Judge Zampano ruled the show at Henry Hudson hotel in New York City first pictured in Coin World as an elaborate hoax The May 23 1965 public

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    Coins: The Magazine of Coin Collecting - April 1987 (pg. 36)

    4/1/1987 Numismatics Periodicals

    ble numismatists and even many non collectors are aware of the 20th cen tury s most popular error coin the 1955 doubled die Lincoln cent But how many ever heard that for a time between April 1965 and June 1966 two New York men created a sensation by intro ducing multiple struck 1964 P cents to the coin market According to federal court records of the prosecution that followed Victor C Piacentile also known as Victor Pease began selling 1964 cents with multiple impressions in April 1965 to interested collectors and dealers Most of the coins had a doubled portrait date and Lib erty The reverse showed a bulge in the metal but no multiple impression Piacentile s selling price for these cents was 400 for a roll of 50 with a money back guarantee if they were proven to be otherwis

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    Coin World [02/18/1970] (pg. 6)


    COIN WORLD Wednesday February 18 1970 Page Six Judge Suspends Sentence Against Victor Piacentile William Sheiner Judge Robert C Zampano on February 4 reduced the three month sentence of Victor Piacentile and William Sheiner of the Bronx New York to a suspended sentence The two men were sentenced to three months in jail and two years probation November 21 1967 by Judge Zampano follow ing their conviction October 5 1967 on counts of mail and wire fraud possession and sale of frau

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    Coin World [07/06/1966] (pg. 3)


    ed Multi Strikes FROM PAGE V counts charged using the tele typewriter of the Coin and Stamp Dealers Exchange One count charges sending a tele gram to Coin World Public attention was first fo cused on the multi struck 1964 P cents in May 1965 when a pub lic bag opening was staged at the Henry Hudson hotel and specimens of the coins were dis played to the public and to the press at Piacentile s invitation At this time the Secret Serv ice served Pease Piacentile with a subpoena to appear for an inquiry He invoked the fifth amendment when he appeared before a federal grand jury southern district of New York on June 2 1965 He continued to maintain a silence regarding a quantity of multi struck 1964 P cents he discovered upon advice of his attorney The Bureau of the Mint de cl

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    Coins: The Magazine of Coin Collecting - April 1987 (pg. 40)

    4/1/1987 Numismatics Periodicals

    They placed many ads in the New York Times urging the public to buy coins from the Piacentile Find The ads typically read The Fabulous 1964 P Multiple Struck Coin Guaranteed 100 mint error We found them in Fed Reserve sealed bags New York Times Feb 20 1966 1964 P Multiple Struck Cents All coins brilliant uncirculated gems All coins guaranteed to come from the origi nal Piacentile Find and are 100 mint errors New York Times April 17 1966 Sheiner also used his Tel

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    Coin World [10/25/1967] (pg. 1)


    M Bernstein look on as Mrs Fowler removes homemaker s cut from dollar cake Photo courtesy of District of Columbia Na tional Bank Washington D C Mint Expert Testimony Important Trial Factor Morris Boley assistant tech nical consultant to Miss Eva Adams director of the Mint came in for high praise from Judge Robert Zampano who of ficiated at the trial of William Sheiner and Victor Piacentile Mr Boley s qualifications were unimpeachable and the Court was impressed with his practical experience technical knowledge and general demean or the judge wrote as he said he credited Boley s testimony in its entirety on all material is sues with respect to the va lidity of the coins involved in the trial Boley s conclusions were that the coins in question were genu ine one cent pie

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    Coin World [11/23/1966] (pg. 22)


    Please let us have your views We will furnish the gov ernment guarantee that the piece was struck in 1928 It is the rarest Hungarian coin of which we know RCDA Says 64 Multiple Struck Lincolns Genuine The Retail Coin Dealers As sociation in its bulletin dated November 20 issued from its Denison Texas headquarters says it believes the 1964 multi ple struck cents offered by Vic tor Piacentile and William Shei ner of Bronx N Y are genu ine The RCDA Bulletin said In May of 1965 RCDA first became acquainted with the multiple struck cent In the be ginning it was our opinion and after obtaining some expert opinion RCDA felt that the mul tiple struck cent as sold by Vic tor Piacentile and William Sheiner was genuine However subsequent to that time this coin became a

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    Coin World [05/31/1967] (pg. 1)


    Abe Kosoff Encino Calif and Nor man Stack New York City Hans Schulman revealed that the Stockholm IAPN assembly discussed pseudo coins fantasy coins at length and instruct ed its fantasy coin committee to prepare the initial part of a Continued on Page 3 A federal judge has elected to reserve his decision at the end of a seven day trial of two Bronx men William Sheiner and Victor C Piacentile charged with selling alleged fraudulently altered United States 1964 cents The Hon Robert C Zampa no judge of the United States District Court Southern Dis trict of New York who presided at the trial which began May 9 at the United States Court House Foley Square New York City will further study testi mony and briefs relating to the case of the multiple struck cents before rendering

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    Coin World [12/06/1967] (pg. 3)


    fraud and one count of perjury before the grand jury in connection with the sale of allegedly bogus Italian silver crowns Robert M Morgenthau United States attorney for the Southern district of New York revealed that the indictment was returned after months of careful investi gation Frank M Tuerkheimer the assistant U S Attorney who suc cessfully prosecuted the William Sheiner Victor Piacentile multi struck 1964 cent case has been assigned to the Petrov investiga tion by U S Attorney Morgen thau The grand jury charged that From on or about August 1 1966 Allan Petrov also known as Allan Braunstein un lawfully wilfully and knowing ly did devise and intend to de vise a scheme and artifice to defraud coin dealers coin col lectors and other members of the public and

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    Coin World [12/08/1965] (pg. 1)


    Piancentile president Signet Coin Corp Fort Lee N J in which he reports a large find of multi struck 1964 P cents varieties 2 and 4 in a sealed box from the Chemical Bank 54 Street and Broadway New York City Piancentile also known as Pease said samples are to be sent to the U S Mint for analysis and denial This is the same type coin which the Mint previously denied making Piacentile said his firm plan ned to buy two remaining un sealed cartons purchased by an entertainer s manager at the same time Public attention was first fo cused on the multi struck 1964 P cents last May when a public bag opening was staged at the Henry Hudson hotel and speci mens of the coins were displayed to the public and the press at Piacentile s invitation At this time the Secret Serv ice s

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    Coins: The Magazine of Coin Collecting - August 1967 (pg. 17)

    8/1/1967 Numismatics Periodicals

    ning the au thenticity of 1964 multiple struck cents of the Philadelphia Mint is still up in the air A late May trial in New York City left it unresolved as the judge recessed the proceed ings without announcing a decision Presiding over the trial in which the defendants chose to wave trial by jury was judge Robert C Zam pano The defendants are two Bronx men William Sheiner and Victor C Piacentile who were indicted on 39 counts by a 1966 grand jury trial Their counsel is Herberts Siegal assisted by Wilson Walters executive secretary of the Retail Coin Dealers Association The case for the government was presented by assistant United States attorney Frank M Turkheimer Sheiner and Piacentile were placed on trial under indictments which charged both defendants with 29 counts of mail f

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    Coin World [07/06/1966] (pg. 1)


    Sheiner V Pease Indicted Two New York men were ar rested June 21 and charged with selling fraudulently altered United States cents another chapter in the numismatic Saga of the 64 Multi Struck Cents Robert M Morgenthau Unit ed States attorney for the South ern District of New York said the two defendants are William Sheiner 52 of 3640 Bronx boulevard Bronx N Y and Victor C Piacentile 47 also known as Victor Pease 271 East 164th street Bronx N Y Sheiner does business as Bronx Coins at 929 East 174th street Bronx N Y Mr Morgenthau ex plained that the indictment which is in 39 counts charges both defendants in 29 counts with mail fraud both with five counts f wire fraud both with con spiracy in one count Piacentile Mr Morgenthau went on is charged Individuall

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    Coins: The Magazine of Coin Collecting - September 1966 (pg. 18)

    9/1/1966 Numismatics Periodicals

    New York Times The leading numismatic publica tions refused to accept advertising for the multiple strikes and Numis matic News in their December 20 1965 issue ran a full page photo expose on how the multiple strikes could be fraudulently produced Robert M Morgenthau United States attorney for the southern district of New York announced the arrest of William Sheiner 52 and Victor C Piacentile 47 who is also known as Victor Pease Sheiner does business as Bronx Coins at 929 East 174th Street Bronx New York The 39 count indictment charges both defendents with 29 counts of mail fraud both with 5 counts of wire fraud and both with conspir acy in one count Piacentile Morgenthau added is charged individually on one count with the sale of fraudulently altered coins and Sheiner in

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    Coins: The Magazine of Coin Collecting - February 1968 (pg. 16)

    2/1/1968 Numismatics Periodicals

    TIPLE STRIKES Principals Sentenced The two men convicted of produc ing and marketing multiple struck Philadelphia Mint cents of 1964 William Sheiner and Victor C Pia centile alias Pease were sentenced to three month jail terms and two years probation The sentencing was handed down on November 21st by Judge Robert C Zampano of New York s Southern District United States Court Sheiner and Piacentile were both released on 1 000 bond pending appeal of the decision They had been convicted on a combined 39 count indictment returned by a 1966 grand jury trial Their trial before Judge Zampano had taken place in May of 1967 with the privilege of a jury trial being waived The indictment charged the de fendants with possession of the coins in question sale of the coins to collectors and dealer

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    The Numismatic Scrapbook Magazine (pg. 20)

    8/25/1966 Numismatics; Periodicals

    L S Indicts Two New York Coin Dealers Alleges Faking of Double Strike Cents William Sheiner owner of Bronx Coins and Victor C Piacentile also known as Victor Pease were indicted in New York on 39 counts alleging mail and wire fraud conspiracy sale of altered coins and in Sheiner s case possession The indictments stem from the controversial double struck on obv only cents Mintmorgan Solution V e both stared at the detective After a moment he smiled and stood up I can see I shall have to prove my statement Very well

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    The Numismatic Scrapbook Magazine (pg. 28)

    7/1/1967 Numismatics; Periodicals

    striking the 5 000 proof sets for Greece dated 1965 The sets will be distributed by Paramount International Coin Corp Dayton Ohio Devaluation of Malian Currency On May 5 the Mali franc was de valued from MF 246 853 per U S dollar to MF 493 706 per U S dollar Multi Strike Cent Trial Numismatists from thruout the country testified at the federal trial of William Sheiner and Victor C Piacentile in the U S District Court New York City charged with selling alleged fraudulently altered 1964 cents commonly referred to in nu mismatic circles as the 64 multi strikes The trial lasted seven days with reams of testimony being given Outcome of the case was not known immediately due to filing briefs re plies to briefs etc Those present at the trial state that some very interesting ins

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    The Numismatic Scrapbook Magazine (pg. 158)

    12/24/1968 Numismatics; Periodicals

    ra Travelcheck 1755 Peru error coin 200 Peru New Issues 778 1108 1751 Pesant Roberto 897 1074 Peso Mexican 153 Peters auction 1713 Peters Jess 1272 Peterson Mendel 774 Peterson Richard 1272 Petrov Allen 172 Pettit William 1272 Philadelphia CC 1918 Philadelphia Mint 1 4 2 5 1494 1722 Philippines New Issues 941 1109 1418 1902 Photo lens 794 Photography Numis 351 530 Piacentile cents 169 Pikes Peak medal 1594 Pine Tree CC 511 Pledge to flag medal 1594 Poland commems 199 Poland New Issues 1109 1256 1735 Poland reduces coin 199 Political items 1552 1706 Poplsein Sally 1759 Portugal New Issues 1735 Prazer Stanley 774 Predictions 1969 1908 Prescott Everett 1653 Pres first lady med 205 Presidential Art med 172 Presley Joe 1432 Proof 1968 S rolls 1

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    The Numismatic Scrapbook Magazine (pg. 171)

    1/25/1968 Numismatics; Periodicals

    the size of the Canadian pure nickel dollar will be reduced to 1 265 inches and to 1 068 for the half dollar Other denominations will remain the same diameter Also it is ex pected that 50 silver 10 and 25 cent pieces will continue to be struck until the vending industry is com pletely modified Multi Strike Sentence U S District Judge Lampano sen tenced William Sheiner and Victor C Piacentile to three months in prison and two years on probation for selling the famous obverse only multiple struck cents Cleanest Money According to a test made in Ger many the paper currency of U S is the world s cleanest only 73 germs per bills France is second with 129 germs per bill SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE NUMISMATIC SCRAPBOOK MAGAZINE Page 169

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    Coin World [10/25/1967] (pg. 4)


    dict in the New York multi struck cent trial ono without parallel in numismatic his tory are many It will serve as precedent for future cases but it will also be a sharp warning to anyone who thinks he can toy with the U S Mint its issues or with the trust ing numismatic public The law has always been before us but the multi struck trial brings it before the hobby anew The Sheiner Piacentile trial proved many things to us Though there may be a dilution of principles stand ards morals whatever you wish to call them in our coun try such a decline has not reached our federal courts In a setting of simplicity and dignity we watched a group of men the judge the prosecution and the defense strive for one great goal justice We are not without compassion for the defendants w

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    Coin World [10/25/1967] (pg. 6)


    shville Tenn Coin Club welcomed a new member at a session in the Nashville Electric Service Co Among the five visitors was Homer Brooks a former member now living In Texas Duey Smith conducted the auction Mail Wire Fraud Get New Setback Another blow to would be nu mismatic mail fraud artists was dealt by Federal Judge Robert Zampano when he returned a verdict of guilty in the Sheiner Piacentile trial October 5 Wire fraud Is just a little bit more dangerous in numismatics today too because of Judge Zampano s findings He pointed out that as he studied as to whether the gov ernment had proved beyond a reasonable doubt the scheme to defraud and the requisite knowledge and Intent necessary to support convictions under the charges alleged in the indict ment that the statutory crimes o

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    Coin World [07/13/1966] (pg. 30)


    Account An African money of account was known as Cabes Turn In Multi Struck Cents Urges Turn in your 1964 multi struck cents to the Secret Serv ice Arnold Margolis president of The Numismatic Error Col lectors of America advised members of that group in the latest issue of The NEC A Er rorscope Margolis comments resulted from the June 21 indictment of William Sheiner and Victor C Piacentile of the Bronx N Y for mail fraud and wire fraud involving 1964 multi struck cents in the Southern District of New York Robert M Morgenthau United States Attorney said other counts on which the pair were charged included the sale of fraudulently altered coins and the sale and possession of these coins According to Morgenthau the coins in question were genuine cents coined at the United St

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    Coin World [01/14/1970] (pg. 28)


    ll issue commemorative medals and stamps in 1970 to honor its silver anniversary APRIL 23 Mint announces it will begin accepting orders for 1969 Un circulated coin sets on May 1 Coin World welcomes new sister publication 42 year old Linn s Weekly Stamp News pur chased by The Sidney Printing and Publishing Co April 8 U S court of appeals upholds conviction of William Scheiner and Victor Piacentile for fraud involving 1964 cents APRIL 30 Richard McPherren Cabeen Chicago Tribune coin stamp editor dies April 13 Special federal grand jury probes activities of Myron Pep Levin for his activities in silver Sens Karl Mundt R S D George McGovern D S D Alan Bible D Nev propose legislation to establish a 20 million ounce gold stockpile for the U S MAY 7 Treasury Department re

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    Coin World [05/24/1967] (pg. 1)


    Coin Trial Begins First defense witnesses were to be heard May 15 in the government s trial against William Sheiner and Victor Piacentile in New York The trial began May 9 The pair is charged with 39 counts which include mail wire fraud Vol 8 Issue No 371 SIDNEY OHIO 45365 MAY 24 1967 Single Copy U S 35c Barr Reports Proposed Legislation Would Permit Immediate Write Off i O Malaysia Schedules New Currency Five new coins and five new paper money denominations will start circulating in south east Asia on June 12 accordi

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    Coin World [06/17/1970] (pg. 38)


    gh 23 grams Animals portrayed on the coins are a fish deer and a bird Coins are available for U S 17 50 per set plus 30 cents handling charges from Ant Mecattaf and Fils P O Box 5833 Beirut Lebanon Payment should be made in U S dollars to the Mecattaf and Fils account with the Republic Na tional Bank of New York 452 Fifth avenue New York N Y 10018 We William Sheincr And Victor Piacentile offer full restitution to anyone who bought from us the 1964 multiple strike cent which was found by the District Court for the Southern District of New York to be not genuine Any person wishing restitution must send a request in writing to special agent Fred Maura U S Secret Service Box 804 Church Street Station New York N Y 10008 and enclose the coins and authentic documentary proof o

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    Coin World [06/09/1965] (pg. 1)


    ns they have inspected were given the multi im pressions in the Mint during mechanical failure The New York bag opening ceremony advertised in advance was open to the public and the press but climaxed in Victor Pease a New Yorker being served with a subpoena by Secret Service for investigation of the coins Grand Jury Calls Pease In 6 Cent 9 Investigation Victor Pease also known as Victor Piacentile of New York City was ordered to appear be fore the federal grand jury southern district of New York on Wednesday June 2 for fur ther investigation in connection with 1964 Philadelphia minted multi struck Lincoln cents a Se cret Service spokesman said in New York May 28 A grand jury subpoena was first served to Pease May 23 at the Henry Hudson hotel in New York City where a public op

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    Coin World [05/31/1967] (pg. 11)


    collectors Clifford Mishler editor Numis matic News Margo Russell ed itor Coin World Witnesses for the defendant included Roy and Ray Law rence Anamosa Iowa coin dealers and former publishers of the newspaper The Coin Collector Norman Shultz Salt Lake City coin dealer for 52 years and Leonard Scheer a Providence R I coin dealer and tool and die specialist Neither Sheiner or Piacentile took the stand At times the court room took on the appearance of a numis matic laboratory there were motion picture films of a coining press in operation coin photo enlargements coins by the bag and partial Mint tools minus the engravings so as to protect the security of the U S coinage dies Judge Zampino equipped him self with a magnifying glass and spent a great deal of time adjacen

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    Coin World [01/10/1968] (pg. 3)


    n silver Sale of the McDermott 1913 Liberty Head nickel brings 46 000 Mr and Mrs Aubrey Bebee of Omaha buy the coin at auction conducted by James Kelly M int announces manufacture and sale of Proof coin sets will begin in January 1968 F ivp masked men rob Willis H duPont of SI 5 million coin collection at his Miami Fla mansion Brasher doubloon included William Sheiner and Victor C Piacentile Bronx were found guilty of mail and wire fraud possession and sale of fraudulently altered 1964 cents and conspiracy by Robert C Zampano in U S District court Trpnsnry announces it will start melting 900 fine sil ver coins after Christmas to recover silver for do mestic users John W Riesen 46 former Chicago coin dealer was found guilty on all five counts of unlawful possession and

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    Coin World [01/10/1968] (pg. 26)


    gs on 5 5 million tax credit bills to make the Jo siah K Lilly collection of gold coins available to Smithsonian Institution Oen OBER 18 Five masked men rob Willis H duPont of 1 5 million coin collection at his Mi ami Fla mansion History Under Glass to be theme of 1968 National Coin Week with Clark A Yowell orders announced for October 31 OCTOBER 25 WiUiam Sheiner and Victor C Piacentile Bronx were found guilty of mail and wire fraud possession and sale of fraudulently altered 1964 cents and conspiracy by Robert C Zampano in U S District Court Mint says no decision has been made regarding S Mint mark on circulation strike coins if any are produced at San Fran cisco Assay Office NOVEMBER 1 Mint Director Eva Adams and two of her top technicians Philip B Neisser and

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    Coin World [07/08/1970] (pg. 41)


    Plymouth medals are available in a limited quantity at 3 50 for bronze and 10 50 for silver or 13 50 per set in lueite box Only 100 silver pieces and 150 bronze medals remain for public sale Order should be sent to Medal Chairman Vincent A Klimas 5 Dilion drive Terryville Connecticut A history of the Town of Plymouth accompanies each medal Klimas said We William Sheiner And Victor Piacentile offer full restitution to anyone who bought from us the 1964 multiple strike cent which was found by the District Court for the Southern District of New York to be not genuine Any person wishing restitution must send a request in writing to special agent Fred Moura U S Secret Service Box 804 Church Street Station New York N Y 10008 and enclose the coins and authentic documentary proof o

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    Coin World [02/07/1968] (pg. 3)


    of 1 5 million coin collection at his Miami Fla mansion Brasher doubloon included Seven Canada to change size of dollar and half dol lar in 1968 graduating them in small size in proportion to present coins Eight President Johnson signs bill to end redemption of silver certificates with bullion in one year and to restore Mint marks to U S coins Nine William Sheiner and Victor C Piacentile Bronx were found guilty of mail and wire fraud possession and sale of fraudulently altered 1964 cents and conspiracy by Judge Robert C Zampano in U S District Court Ten Treasury announces it will start melting 900 fine silver coins after Christmas to recover silver for do mestic users 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 New Production Mexico 38 3 43 0 40 3 41 7 42 7 United States 31 0 43 7 39

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    Coin World [06/24/1970] (pg. 24)


    ls Proofs Gold Silver Collections Accumula tions hoards You nome it we ore cosh buyers on ony amount of money SILVER COINS ALSO WANTED We ore one of the West Coost lorgcst buyers consistently poy ing top prices doy after doy Call or write for firm quotesl JOEL D RETTEW DOWNEY COIN CENTER Phone 213 927 1313 7848 Florence Ave Downey Colif 90240 We William Sheiner And Victor Piacentile offer full restitution to onyone who bought from us the 1964 multiple strike cent which wos found by the District Court for the Southern District of New York to be not genuine Any person wishing restitution must send a request in writing to special agent Fred Maura U S Secret Service Box 804 Church Street Station New York N Y 10008 and enclose the coins and authentic documentary proof o

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    Restricted Restricted

    Coin World [05/07/1969] (pg. 74)


    uction held in a nearby room Not all coins seen were rare or expensive I had the chance to examine a 1964 multiple strike Lincoln cent which for some reason I had never seen before Turning up in large quantities these coins created quite a con troversy several years ago The controversy referred to by Bowers reached its climax recently when two Bronx N Y men William Sheiner and Victor Piacentile lost their appeals on charges of fraud involving so called multistruck 1964 Lin coln cents See Coin World s April 30 edition page 15 Editor My seven year old son Wynn win shares his father s en thusiasm for coins excitedly purchased what was for him a real treasure a nice 1909 VDB cent acquired for one dollar at Edwin Blow s bourse table next door to ours Since re entering the c

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    Coin World [07/01/1970] (pg. 19)


    rolls Proofs Gold Silver Collections accumula tions hoards You name it we ore cash buyers on any amount of money SILVER COINS ALSO WANTED We are one of the West Coast lorgest buyers consistently pay ing top prices doy after day Call or write for firm quotes JOEL D RETTEW DOWNEY COIN CENTER Phone 213 927 1313 7848 Florence Ave Downey Calif 90240 We William Sheiner And Victor Piacentile offer full restitution to anyone who bought from us the 1964 multiple strike cent which was found by the District Court for the Southern District of New York to be not genuine Any person wishing restitution must send a request in writing to special agent Fred Maura U S Secret Service Box 804 Church Street Station New York N Y 10008 and enclose the coins and authentic documentary proof o

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    Coin World [04/23/1969] (pg. 1)


    Upholds Conviction The United States Court of Appeals on April 4 upheld the conviction of two Bronx men William Sheiner and Victor Piacentile for fraud involving 1964 cents The two men out on bond were sentenced to three months in jail and two years probation November 21 1967 by Judge Robert C Zam pano Entire Contents Copyright 1969 By The Sidney Printing Publishing Co Sidney Ohio Vol 10 Issue 471 SIDNEY OHIO 45365 APRIL 23 1969 Mint Sells Excess Proofs One could look in any direction April 7 at the Philadelphia Mint

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    Coin World [08/15/1973] (pg. 73)


    ly learned last year that the 140 coins which he pur chased from Joseph P Corso in November 1965 had been al tered In his suit Manolio charged that Corso who former ly operated Joe s Coin Shop in Tenafly NJ has refused to return the 4 200 he paid for the fake errors The coins were originally rep resented as coming from seal ed Mint bags by Victor Piacen tile and William Sheiner Piacentile was president of the Signet Coin Corp Fort Lee N J at the time The two men were convicted of mail and wire fraud posses sion and sale of fradulently al tered 1964 coins and conspiracy Oct 5 1967 and were later sen tenced to three months in jail and another two years proba tion In some East Coast newspaper accounts the Corso Joe s Coin Shop was incorrectly identified as Diversified

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    Coin World [07/15/1970] (pg. 52)


    ials tribulations and triumphs of the modern silver situation Granules were ob tained at San Francisco Assay Office Complete Album 12 55 2 for 25 00 Album with story and granules only 3 95 Album with story you supply contents 1 95 DEALERS WRITE FOR FREE LITERATURE ON OTHER ALBUMS Fred Jeon Silver DISTRIBUTORS 13542 Ventura Blvd Sherman Oaks Calif 91403 We William Sheiner And Victor Piacentile offer full restitution to anyone who bought from us the 1964 multiple strike cent which was found by the District Court for the Southern District of New York to be not genuine Any person wishing restitution must send a request in writing to special agent Fred Moura U S Secret Service Box 804 Church Street Station New York N Y 10008 and enclose the coins and authentic documentary proof o

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    Coins: The Magazine of Coin Collecting - January 1968 (pg. 17)

    1/1/1968 Numismatics Periodicals

    u s numisnews tion to collectors that all of these coins found their way into one or two Federal Reserve bags fortuit iously discovered by Piacentile is incredible In order to exploit the average collector s anxiety to add a rarity to his collection the defendants conceived a scheme to clothe their coins with authenticity and to deceive interested persons who otherwise would have been more wary I R S REGULATIONS Coins in Estates Estate problems are difficult ana bewildering at best Add to the estate the element of a coin collec ti

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