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Early Paper Money of America / New Jersey / 1764 April 16

£25,000 in Bills of Credit authorized at session ended Feb. 23, 1764. Legal tender until Dec. 31, 1782 & invalid after Dec. 31, 1783. The weight equivalent in silver is the same as for prior issues. See July 2, 1746 issue for denominational symbols. The face of £6 is in red & blue. Faces of others were printed in red & black with backs in black. Printed by James Parker. Signers were Jonathan Johnston, S. Skinner, Richard Smith, & Samuel Smith.

12s [1,372]
15s Plate letters A, B, D, and without plate letter [3,500] ▷CF◁
30s Plate letters A, B, C, D, F & G [5,000] ▷CF◁ (Counterfeits of B & G only, B with misspelling SHILLIGNS on back)
£3 Plate letters B & D [2,850 for all £3] ▷CF◁
£3 No plate letter. Sun in one piece.
£3 Plate letter A and no plate letter. Sun in two pieces.
£6 [917]

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