Early Paper Money of America / Virginia / 1777 May 5 Act
$1,000,000 in legal tender Treasury Bills authorized by the May 5, 1777 Act and redeemable on Dec. 1, 1784. Similar to the Oct. 7, 1776 issue except that the printed date is partly removed from the cuts and handwritten. Heavy rag paper containing blue fibers and mica flakes was used. Printed by A. Perdie. Signers were B. Dickson, Blovet Pasteur, L. Wood, and James Wray. One signer appears on the four lowest denominations and two signers on the others. Reprints were made privately from complete and broken forms seized at Richmond during the Civil War.
$1 Spanish Dollar insignia ▷RP◁
$10 ▷RP◁