Early Paper Money of America / Virginia / 1780 July 14 Act
£2,000,000 ($6,666,666) in Treasury Bills were redeemable at $1 in specie for $40 in bills by Dec. 31, 1784 and were authorized by the July 14, 1780 Act, without legal tender status until the Act of Oct. 1780, which was revoked in Nov. 1781. These were typeset and printed on very thin paper. Denominations were also printed on the back. Two control letters are on denominations of $35 and over. Deliberate misspellings of words constitute secret marks and are found in this and subsequent issues. Printed by Dixon and Nicholson. Signers were Edward Archer, J. Hopkins, John Lyne, H. Randolph, J.M. Simmons, Bolling Stark, James Turner, and L. Wood. Two signers appear on the six lowest denominations and three for the others.
$3 1/3 (20s) [4,483]$6 2/3 (£2) [4,482]
$10 (£3) QILL instead of BILL [4,482]
$13 1/3 (£4) [4,482]
$15 (£4 10s) [4,482]
$20 (£6) [4,482]
$35 (£10 10s) [10,488]
$45 (£13 10s) [10,488]
$55 (£16 10s) DOLLANS [33,333]
$60 (£18) DILL instead of BILL [20,488]
$80 (£24) Lower border text upside down [20,488]
$100 (£30) [20,488]