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Early Paper Money of America / Maryland / 1776 August 14 Session

$535,111 1/9 in Bills ratified pursuant to the Nov. 9, 1776 Resolve and redeemable Jan. 1, 1786. Due to the expenditure of a portion of the Dec. 7, 1775 issue intended to be used for the exchange of the July 26, 1775 issue, $120,000 of the Aug. 14, 1776 issue was set aside for such redemption, with the same general form as the Dec. 7, 1775 issue. At the Feb. 5, 1777 Session both Maryland and Continental money were made legal tender. Signers were John Brice, Joseph Bruff, Thomas Dawson, John Duckett, Samuel Edmundson, Thomas Gassaway, Jr., Frederick Green, Nathan Hammond, Nicholas Harwood, Thomas B. Hodgkin, Alexander Irvine, Charles E. Irvine, Robert L. Nicols, St. George Peale, William Perry, Samuel Sharpe, Richard Tilghman, Jr., Richard Tootell, and William Wilkins.

$1/9 (6d) [40,000]  
$1/6 (9d) [40,000]  
$1/3 (18d) [40,000]  
$1/2 (2s3d) [40,000]  
$2/3 (3s) [32,000]  
$1 (4s6d) [32,000]  
$1 1/3 (6s) [32,000]  
$2 (9s)         [32,000]  
$2 2/3 (12s) [16,000]  
$4 (18s) [16,000]
$6 (27s) [16,000]  
$8 (36s) [16,000]  
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