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The E-Sylum (5/30/2010)

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J. Moens, Secretary of the Royal Numismatic Society of Belgium submitted this notice about a special-purpose computer font being created to assist in the cataloging of medieval coinage. Congratulations to the society for their initiative, and best of luck with the effort. -Editor

Since the readers of The E-Sylum are interested in numismatic books in general, they might also be interested in fonts used in printing numismatic publications. The Royal Numismatic Society of Belgium has set up a project for the development of a font (compatible with WORD) containing characters as they appear on medieval coins (of the regions making up the actual Belgium, but this is not to be seen as a very strict criterion).

Numismatica Medievalis font logo

We have baptized this font for the time being Numismatica Medievalis, and have already collected or created about 2.000 signs (letters, figures, mintmarks, interpunction signs, etc.). Obviously, since at that time letters and letter punches were engraved by hand, the number of varieties of any given letter is so to say infinite, and it would be impossible to try to cover them all. Nevertheless, we are sure that some significant varieties (or new signs) are still missing, and we are seeking the cooperation of the numismatic community to help us complete the font.

For more information, and for an overview of the already available signs, please visit the website of the Society at, and click on the blinking button. Once the font will be final, it will be made available free of charge.

For more information, see: Development of a font with medieval numismatic characters (

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