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The E-Sylum (1/17/2021)

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The New York International Numismatic Convention (NYINC) has created theRichard Margolis Medal of Merit; the inaugural honoree is Kerry Wetterstrom.Congratulations! Here's the press release.-Editor

New York International Numismatic Convention
Honors Kerry Wetterstrom
Named as Recipient of Inaugural Richard Margolis Medal of Merit

Kerry WetterstromKevin Foley, Bourse Chairman for the New York International NumismaticConvention, has announced that the NYINC board has named Kerry Wetterstromto receive the inaugural Richard Margolis Medal of Merit.

Foley said, "Richard Margolis was the guiding force in the original founding of the NYINC and hands on managed and administered our event for many years. In addition, he was a significant dealer and researcher in the field of French numismatics. Naming our medal of merit in his honor will remind future generations of his significant contributions to numismatics."

Kerry Wetterstrom served as the NYINC's education director from 2000 through 2020. In that time he arranged for and hosted roughly 150 of the club meetings and educational programs that have become a vital part of the NYINC. Kerry's numismatic interests began in 1974 when he purchased his first ancient coin from dealer Tom McKenna. He is currently employed as a Senior Numismatist by Lancaster, Pennsylvania based Classical Numismatic Group.

In 1999 he became the editor and publisher of The Celator magazine, a journal focused on the ancient numismatics specialty area, prior to rejoining the staff of CNG. He has also lectured widely on different aspects of ancient numismatics, appearing before such groups as the San Francisco Ancient Coin Club, the Twin Cities Ancient Coin Club, Historia Nummorum in Boston, the Ancient Numismatic Society of Washington, D.C., the Chicago Coin Club and others. In addition, he has been an instructor at the American Numismatic Association's widely acclaimed Summer Seminar since 1994. He is also a fellow of the London based Royal Numismatic Society and the American Numismatic Society. Wetterstrom's area of specialty focus is coins of Roman Egypt. He wrote the chapter exploring that specialty in Ancient Coin Collecting - Vol. 4.

Foley concluded by saying, "Kerry Wetterstrom has spent a lifetime giving back to the field of numismatics as a dealer, publisher, editor, author, lecturer and researcher. Naming him to receive the first ever Richard Margolis Medal of Merit is not only well deserved, but will set the future standards of accomplishment in the field that will enhance this award and memorialize the significant contributions made to the NYINC and the numismatic community by Richard Margolis."

To read earlier E-Sylum articles, see:

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