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The E-Sylum (1/17/2021)

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Although this year's New York International has been cancelled, plans are underway for the 2022 event. Here's the press release.-Editor

New York International Numismatic Convention Announces 2022 Dates
50th Annual Foreign and Ancient Specialty Event

nyinc-logoKevin Foley, long time bourse chairman for the New York InternationalNumismatic Convention, has announced the preliminary schedule for theconvention's 50th annual edition.

The event will once again be held at the Grand Hyatt New York, located at 109 East 42nd Street between Park and Lexington Avenues. The Grand Hyatt enjoys a direct indoor connection with Grand Central Station, terminus of the Metro North commuter system, as well as having stops for multiple subway lines.

Foley said, "We'll once again have ten full days of numismatic specialty activities at the NYINC. Auction lot viewing for our eight days of foreign and ancient specialty sales featuring nine different companies will get underway on Friday, January 7. Auctions sessions will run from Sunday, January 9 through Sunday, January 16. We anticipate having 16 separate auction sessions throughout the week sponsored by our multiple official auction companies.

2019 NYINC logo

The 125 dealer foreign and ancient specialty area bourse starts with the Early Bird/Professional Preview day Thursday, January 13 from 12noon until 7PM. There is a $125 registration fee. Regular public hours will be Friday and Saturday, January 14-15 from 10AM-7PM and Sunday, January 16 from 10AM-3PM, with a $20 registration fee for the Friday through Sunday regular public hours. A $5 discount coupon is available on the NYINC website.

Educational programs and club meetings will be held all day on Saturday, January 15.

Information about discounted room rates at the Grand Hyatt under the NYINCroom block will be available on the NYINC website, Site visitors will also find the complete Schedule of Events as well as a listing of confirmed booth holders. In the months approaching the convention dates additional programs and booth holders will be posted.

Numismatic Guaranty Corporation is an official grading company of the NYINCand will have a booth at the convention to accept numismatic items for certification and grading.

Bourse applications are available from Foley by calling him at (414) 807-0116 or via e-mail at

To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:

DLRC E-Sylum ad 2021-01 Super Sunday Sale
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