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The E-Sylum (1/17/2021)

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Here is the announcement for the January 27, 2021 sale by Archives International Auctions.-Editor


The auction will be held by Archives International Auctions at their offices in River Edge, N.J.

Archives International Sale 64 cover frontThe January 27 th , 2021 auction by Archives International Auctions willconsist of 1114 lots offered beginning with 948 lots of U.S. and Worldwide Scripophily followed by 165 lots of Historic Ephemera, Security Printing Ephemera and U.S. and World Coins, Medals and Military Decorations and ending with U.S. and World Checks, Drafts and Exchanges.

"During this difficult time period for our country and the world, we are striving to offer our clients and friends items of historical and collecting interest that have been off the market for decades or are new to the collecting world. We hope this auction will add a small amount of enjoyment to everyone's lives", stated Dr. Robert Schwartz, President of Archives International Auctions. "Included in the upcoming auction is a wide variety or rare, interesting and desirable numismatic and historical objects to enhance the collections of every level of collector and dealer".

American-La France Fire Engine Company bondHawaii Government Loan of 1896
Lots 9 and 281

The auction begins with 948 lots of U.S. and World Scripophily highlighted by 2 extremely rare Republic of Hawaii, Government Loan of 1896, Act. 71, $500 and $1000 Specimen Bond pair including all of the coupons attached from the American Bank Note Company archives. Only 2 or 3 examples are known for these rare bonds which rarely if ever appear at auction.

1815 Bank of Germantown stock certificate1887 Yuengling Brewing Company bond
Lots 80 and 93

The auction begins with 50 lots of desirable automobile and aviation stocks and bonds with many rare items seldom offered including a 1904 American-La France Fire Engine Company Specimen bond rarity with an early horse drawn Steam Fire Pumper; and a 1939, Porterfield Aircraft Corporation Issued and Uncancelled stock certificate. Transportation issues were followed by 36 lots of Banking, Finance and Insurance bonds and shares featuring a 1987, Berkshire Hathaway Specimen Registered Bond with the facsimile signature of Warren Buffett as president; an 1815, Bank of Germantown , Pennsylvania stock certificate rarity; and additional bonds and shares from Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs IPO Specimen Stock Certificate, Bear Sterns, NYSE Group, The Bank of New York, The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and many other desirable certificate. Brewery certificates are highlighted by an extremely rare D.G. Yuengling, Jr. Brewing Company 1887 Specimen bond from the oldest operating brewery in the U.S. Internet, computer and technology bonds and shares are highlighted by a 1988 Specimen Apple Computer stock certificate ; a 1996, possible IPO Specimen Stock certificate as well as examples from Yahoo, Wired (magazine) and Network Solutions specimens. Entertainment related certificates include examples from PIXAR with Steve Jobs facsimile signature; a 1973 HBO (Home Box Office) specimen; a 2004, Dream Works Animation specimen stock certificate; Warner Brothers and many other desirable entertainment related bonds and shares.

1897 Credito y Ahorro Ponceno 50 Pesos Specimen Bond
Lot 338: 1897 Credito y Ahorro Ponceno 50 Pesos Specimen Bond

The World Scripophily section includes 203 lots highlighted by 2 lots of the Republic of Hawaii, Government Loan of 1896, Specimen Bond rarities; 23 lots of Chinese Issued and Specimen bonds and shares ; a Banco de Colombia, 1924 Specimen Circulating Bond / Banknote with historic Landing of Columbus scene used on U.S. Banknotes and Stamps as well as 16 additional bonds and shares from Colombia; 20 lots of Mexican bonds and shares; 2 historic Puerto Rico, 1897, Credito y Ahorro Ponceno S.A. , 50 and 200 Pesos Specimen Bonds; a Spain, 1825, Real Compania de Guadalajara , Loan of £600,000. 1825, £100 Sterling I/U Bond Signed by Marquis de Croy, merchants (Knight of the Royal Order) bond rarity and dozens of additional and desirable world bonds and shares.

Other auction highlights include an 1870, United States Freehold Land and Emigration Co. 1870 Bond signed by General Ambrose Burnside as trustee and a 1982, New York, Intrepid Museum Foundation Specimen Bond with a vignette of the Intrepid Aircraft Carrier. Mining, Navigation and Oil & Gas bonds and shares feature 84 lots with many highlights including and 1871, Florida, Southern Inland Navigation & Improvement Co. , Issued and Uncancelled Bond rarity; an 1838, Cairo City and Canal Co. I/C $1000 6% Coupon Bond issued when the town of Cairo, Illinois was formed in 1838 as well as dozens of other attractive and rare bonds and shares. An extremely rare Olympic related bond from the 1932 Olympics is represented by a progress bond proof of the State of California under the "California Tenth Olympiad Bond Act of 1927" with the design of an Olympic Sprinter perched over the 5 Olympic rings symbol.

Railroads are highlighted by over 390 lots of rare and desirable issued and specimen bonds and shares. A few of the many highlights include over 40 Georgia or Georgia related railroad bonds and shares, with many rare issues offered for the first time at auction including an 1888, Florida and Georgia, Georgia Southern and Florida Railroad Co. 1888 Specimen Bond Rarity with this being the only example found in the ABN Archives in 2002; 25 different lots of Kansas railroad bonds and shares with many rare examples offered and featuring an 1880, Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Company $5000 Proof Bond that is an unlisted design in the Cox Railroad Manual by Terry Cox; Ohio is represented by 68 railroad bonds and shares with many issued examples from an old Ohio collection put together in the 1960's to 1980's with many rarities offered including an 1865, Marietta and Cincinnati Rail Road Company Stock Certificate found in Issued and Uncancelled condition but unlisted in this format as well as hundreds of desirable railroad bonds and shares rarely seen at auction. Scripophily ends with 75 lots of State and City bonds; Sugar and Tobacco Companies as well as Turnpikes and Utilities.

Draper, Underwood Advertising Sample SheetSession #2 includes 165 lots of U.S. & World Ephemera, Security Printing Ephemera and Coins, Medals and Military decorations and awards. Highlights from Historic Ephemera section include an English, 1757 Insurance Policy signed by, and issued to Sir Roger Mostyn, 3rd Baronet (ca. 1713 - 16 September 1757) who was an officer of the Royal Navy who saw service during the War of the Austrian Succession and the Seven Years' War; A war of 1812 letter regarding payment for a soldier ; A lot of over 70 pieces of New York Shipping and Canal related documents and receipts and numerous other interesting and historic lots. Security Printing Ephemera includes 47 lots of U.S. and World items including a 1904, ABN Purchase of Franklin Lee BNC, Contract & Documents Group ; High grade American Bank Note Company advertising note selection; A wide variety of proof vignettes used on U.S. Obsolete Banknotes ; an amazing Draper, Underwood, Bald & Spencer , ND, ca.1820's Proof Advertising Sample Sheet and numerous production proof and specimen items from security printers.

Romanian World War I MedalU.S. and World Coins, Medals, Tokens & Military Awards includes over 45 lots in the auction. Highlights include a 1900 to 1980's Druggist and Pharmacy token collection of over 30 different; an Ontario, Canada, T.H. Robinson - Druggist - Orillia, ca. 1860's One Cent Token Overprinted on a U.S. Large Cent; Spanish American War, World War I and II Service Medals and Awards ; 9 Lots of German States Silver Coins , ca.1900 to 1920's; 5 Lots of Honduras, 1931 to 1937, 1 Lempira, Silver coins from a new find in Choice XF to uncirculated condition; and Russian, German, French, Eastern European and English Military Service medals and awards. The auction ends with 29 lots of U.S. and World Checks, Drafts and Exchanges.

Previews will be limited and by appointment only and we will be observing strict safety precautions including the wearing of masks and observing social distancing to protect our team as well as our guests. We will do our best to accommodate anyone who desires additional information and photographs. For questions, please call 201-944-4800 or

The online catalog for the January 27th auction is on Archives International Auctions' website and can be viewed via the Archives International live bidding platform. It can also be viewed as a Virtual Catalog or downloadable Sale 64 .pdf on our website. To pre-register for Live Internet Bidding, log on to the Archives International Auctions website,

Archives International is now working on their Winter and Spring 2021 auctions and are seeking quality consignments for future auctions or outright purchase including U.S. and worldwide banknotes, coins, stocks, bonds, stamps, postal history, historic ephemera, and autographs. To sell or consign one piece or an entire collection, please call AIA at (201) 944-4800; or e-mail them at

You may also write to Archives International Auctions, at 1060 Main Street, River Edge, NJ 07661, U.S.A. To learn more about Archives International Auctions and the auctions planned for January 27th , 2021, log on to

To read the virtual catalog, see:

To download Auction 64 as a .pdf, see:

Schmidt E-Sylum ad 2017-06-18
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