The E-Sylum (1/24/2021)
Book Content
Heritage will soon be offering the Hunter collection of U.S. colonial notes. Cataloger Bruce Hagen submitted this selection of highlights. Thanks! Great notes.-Editor
Over 400 Different Colonial Note Types
The Hunter Collection, carefully collected across three decades, contains notes from allthirteen colonies plus Continental Currency types; most are in choice condition. Notes for allinterest areas and budgets will be featured in this diverse presentation. Iconic rarities from theMaryland Allegorical series and Massachusetts Revere "Sword in Hand" issues (there are 18examples) are cataloged alongside affordable favorites from Delaware, New Jersey, andPennsylvania. All will be offered unreserved at auction on Thursday, February 11, 2021.

Continental Currency February 17, 1776 $2/3 Fr. CC-22 PCGS Gem New 65PPQ.
The highest of the four-denomination Fugio types, with the sundial motif and mottoes at theleft side. Gem examples of this iconic type have been in strong demand for many years. ThisHunter Collection note is broadly margined and beautifully centered. The face-to-backregistration is precise. Blue threads are readily visible on both sides. Certain to elicitenthusiastic bidding from discerning collectors. Lot 94007 .
To read the complete lot description, see:
Continental Currency February 17, 1776 $2/3 Fr. CC-22 PCGS Gem New 65PPQ.. ...(

Georgia June 8, 1777 $8 Red "in" Fr. GA-110a PMG About Uncirculated 50 EPQ.
A rare type and the highest denomination from this Continental Currency-payable series.This is the key seal type in the series and the first Georgia appearance of the Thirteen Linksmotif with motto "C / Congress" in the center. The seal is deep blue and well detailed. Wood,Langworthy and Wylly signed at bottom left, with O'Bryen and Wade signingperpendicularly. This stunning example of the iconic, patriotic emblem type is superior to theNewman Collection note sold in October 2018. When we offered the top population notefrom either service (PCGS Choice About New 58PPQ) in September 2016, it realized $4,935.However, the present example has greater eye appeal and stronger colors. One of the finestknown, a prize Georgia note in this Hunter Collection offering. Lot 94139 .
To read the complete lot description, see:
Georgia June 8, 1777 $8 Red "in" Fr. GA-110a PMG About Uncirculated 50 EPQ.. ...(
Among the Finest Known from the Entire Issue

Maryland July 26, 1775 $2 2/3 Allegorical Series Fr. MD-75 PMG Choice Very Fine 35.
A mesmerizing example from this elite, intricately engraved series and among the finestknown from the entire issue. The only note we know of that exceeds the condition of thisexample is the $1 1/3 piece from the Boyd Collection ("Choice Extremely Fine") sold in FordPart III for $14,950 in October 2004.
The face design for the issue, adapted from a woodcut by Thomas Sparrow, shows standingBritannia receiving the petition (Cong / Peti) of the Continental Congress from America, whotramples the named scroll of Slavery. George III is shown stomping onthe M[agna] Charta as he holds the torch to burn an American port being attacked by theBritish fleet. At each end (in the border cuts) are mottoes: at left, An appeal to HEAVEN andat right, Pro Aris et Focis (For altars and the hearth). The back allegory represents a futurepeace between America and Britannia; the motto on the scroll below is PAX TRIUMPHISPOTIOR (Peace is preferable to victory). In the corners, deftly placed in the borders, areclockwise from the upper left, the signature of T.Sparrow, LIBERTY, 1775 and F.G. (forprinter Frederick Green).
The note has immaculate surfaces and is lightly quarter folded. The margins excel with theends being slightly "short," but well balanced. The signatures of William Perry and JamesHindman are boldly penned. This is in the finest condition of any Allegorical Series note wehave cataloged for sale, and that includes all seven from the Newman Collection. Ex: Stack'sKeusch, Snow, Del Zorro Collections Sale, November 18-19, 2008, lot 5620 (realized$12,650); Minot Collection. Lot 94172 .
To read the complete lot description, see:
Maryland July 26, 1775 $2 2/3 Allegorical Series Fr. MD-75 PMG Choice Very Fine 35.. ...(
20 Shillings "Sword in Hand" Note
Among the Finest Known of This Iconic Design

Massachusetts August 18, 1775 20 Shillings Fr. MA-170 PMG About Uncirculated 55EPQ.
An outstanding "Sword in Hand" note and one of the finest known of the design type. Not surprisingly, this is the census topper on Track & Price by far. When last sold, it was eagerlypursued during the important offering of Minot notes in 2008. This back design was featured on the front cover of the auction catalog. Off the market now for over a dozen years, weexpect this stellar example to elicit spirited interest. None of the "Swords" in our historic Newman Collection sales could compare with the present note. Collectors will be wise toseize the moment and obtain a numismatic treasure.
This is truly a museum-caliber note: just as it was in 1775 aside from a light horizontal fold and some handling. The edges are fully deckled, margins are wide, and the printing clarity isextraordinary on the clean-surfaced paper. The central signature is faint compared to the other two, diagnostic to many notes from the issue. Ex: Stack's Keusch, Snow, Del ZorroCollections Sale, November 18-19, 2008, lot 5639 (realized $20,700); Minot Collection; Stack's 2001 Americana Sale, January 16-18, 2001, lot 2167. A stunning American papercurrency rarity. Lot 94189.
To read the complete lot description, see:
Massachusetts August 18, 1775 20 Shillings Fr. MA-170 PMG About Uncirculated 55 EPQ.. ...(

Rhode Island June 1780 20 Shillings Fr. RI-281b PMG Very Fine 20.
This is an epic late Rhode Island Colonial note rarity from a series not represented in the Newman Collection. It is the first individual note from the issue we have cataloged for sale.Examples were virtually unknown, except for the paltry two denominations in the F. C.C. Boyd Collection. Each of those has been the Newman plate note over the course of fiveeditions. Serendipitously, a compact cache of this issue appeared as a group lot in our September 2007 Currency Auction #448; included with the six notes was an 1859 pedigreedocumentation. That amazing find sold for $46,000 attesting to its immense desirability. This serial number 297 (or 299 as reported on Track & Price) was part of that sextet, and is one ofthe finer examples of the size. Printed by B. Wheeler with the imprint in a cartouche on the back. The issue's legal tender status was brief, and we would assume those notes issued wererapidly withdrawn. Apparently, the lesser denominations were not emitted, and their existence is unconfirmed. A solid note, broadly margined, with a cluster of pinholes in thecenter. PMG noted "Splits," observed at sides of the horizontal crease. There is a crossed-out, lengthy annotation on the back underneath the printed area. The Boyd Collection 20 shillings(Newman plate note in the first through fourth editions) realized $12,650 in October 2006. That example is superior to this note, but rim mounted in light cardboard. An importantopportunity to acquire one of the great rarities from Rhode Island and the entire late-Colonial currency genre. Lot 94386.
To read the complete lot description, see:
Rhode Island June 1780 20 Shillings Fr. RI-281b PMG Very Fine 20.. ...(
This important collection, featuring over 400 different Colonial note types, will be auctionedonline on February 11, 2021, commencing at 6:00 PM Central Time (7:00 P.M. Eastern). Lotviewing is available by appointment only at Heritage's Office in Dallas; contact JoseBerumen at or 214-409-1299. Please click here to visit the onlinecatalog. All lots are currently on view and open for bidding now