The E-Sylum (1/31/2021)
Book Content
Heritage cataloger Bruce Hagen submitted this additional selection of highlights from the Hunter collection of U.S. colonial notes. Thanks!-Editor
Revolutionary War Emblems and Mottoes
The Hunter Collection, containing notes from all thirteen colonies plus Continental Currencytypes, displays a wide variety of emblems and mottoes relating to the Revolutionary War:Continental Currency, with Latin text accompanying circular emblems originating incenturies-old reference books; Georgia color seal notes with a variety of imagery includingHope and Justice; the Maryland Allegorical series, featuring the graphic narrative of KingGeorge III stomping on the Magna Carta; Revere "Sword in Hand" issues, with the iconicPatriot backs; and the North Carolina 1776 $20 type featuring the rattlesnake image and anti-British "Don't Tread on Me" motto. All will be offered unreserved at auction on Thursday,February 11, 2021.

Continental Currency July 22, 1776 $6 Fr. CC-43 PCGS Choice New 63PPQ.
A scarcer type and quite difficult to encounter in this grade. This example is beautifullybalanced and sharply printed on both sides. The PERSEVERANDO (By perseverance)motto accompanies the vignette of the beaver chewing on a tree. Framed precisely withample margins creating near-perfect face-to-back registration. The assigned grade may beconservative, and this will fit ideally into a higher grade complete set or represent theresolution as a perfect type note. Lot 94017 .
To read the complete lot description, see:
Continental Currency July 22, 1776 $6 Fr. CC-43 PCGS Choice New 63PPQ.. ...(

Georgia 1776 Sterling Denominations 5 Shillings Blue Seal Hope withSPERANDUM Fr. GA-66a PMG Very Fine 20 Net.
The 1776 Blue Seal Hope with the SPERANDUM motto is a foundational type from theGeorgia Colonial currency series. The type is a great rarity, seldom encountered in anycondition, and very underrated. We believe there are less than a dozen examples known.Its design is a reflection of the Revolutionary War spirit at the onset of hostilities. Mostissued Georgia 1776 Sterling five shilling notes featured the black printed Crown motif.Those were deemed unpatriotic and evolved into this very limited blue color-seal type.Following the Sterling issue, there were several issues of color-seal notes; however, thisis significant as the first. It is also the only use of this Hope motif and motto on GeorgiaColonial currency. In all grades it is a rare note, and the few encountered are usually verylow grade or damaged in some manner. The perfectly defined vignette shows a pensivestanding Hope leaning on her anchor with the motto SPERANDUM (One must hope)arcing above. The paper has a clean, natural appearance from the face. However, thereare some faults noted by PMG as "Split, Tape Repairs." Old fashioned glassine was usedfrom the blank back to reinforce the splits. We have cataloged few of this rarity and thetype is essential for a definitive collection of Georgia seal notes. Lot 94097.
To read the complete lot description, see:
Georgia 1776 Sterling Denominations 5 Shillings Blue Seal Hope with SPERANDUM Fr. GA-66a PMG Very Fine 20 Net.. ...(

Maryland July 26, 1775 $4 Allegorical Series Fr. MD-76 PMG Very Fine 30.
A rare Allegorical Series note in impressive grade and among the finest known from theissue. This beautiful example was formerly in the F.C.C. Boyd Collection and was theoriginal plate note featured in the first to fourth editions of Newman's reference, TheEarly Paper Money of America, (EPMOA). A striking example that is nearly as sharp asthe prior $2 2/3 note.
The face design for the issue, adapted from a woodcut by Thomas Sparrow, showsstanding Britannia receiving the petition (Cong / Peti) of the Continental Congress fromAmerica, who tramples the named scroll of Slavery. George III is shown stomping onthe M[agna]Charta as he holds the torch to burn an American port being attacked by theBritish fleet. At each end (in the border cuts) are mottoes: at left, An appeal toHEAVEN and at right, Pro Aris et Focis (For altars and the hearth). The back allegoryrepresents a future peace between America and Britannia; the motto on the scroll below isPAX TRIUMPHIS POTIOR (Peace is preferable to victory). In the corners, deftly placedin the borders, are clockwise from the upper left, signature of T.Sparrow, LIBERTY, 1775and F.G. (for printer Frederick Green). The face is very boldly printed, the backsomewhat lighter. However, all details are sharp on both sides. The margins are excellent,though the lower left is bowed in slightly into the border elements. The left end is verywide and complete. The back is centered a little to the left, leaving a wider margin at theright end. Ex: Stack's Ford Part III Sale, lot 744 (realized $10,350). An intriguing andfortuitous opportunity to bid upon one of the most outstanding notes from the issuewithin one auction. This is museum-caliber note boasts rarity, condition, and pedigree.Lot 94173.
To read the complete lot description, see:
Maryland July 26, 1775 $4 Allegorical Series Fr. MD-76 PMG Very Fine 30.. ...(
One of the Finest Known from this Iconic Design Type

Massachusetts November 17, 1776 36 Shillings Fr. MA-251 PMG Choice About Uncirculated 58 EPQ.
An epic example from this series and one of the finest known "Swords" from any of thefour issues. This Minot Collection-pedigreed note is ten points higher on Track & Pricethan the former Boyd Collection example, which was plated in Another "Independance"example. There is a faint partial bend across the center; otherwise this note is immaculate.The margins and centering are excellent on the broad paper. Ex: Stack's Keusch, Snow,Del Zorro Collections Sale, November 18-19, 2008, lot 5655 (realized $27,600); MinotCollection. An amazing note that has been cataloged for auction only twice. Thisimportant highlight from the Hunter Collection is destined to be the center of an elitecabinet of American Colonial currency rarities. Lot 94023 .
To read the complete lot description, see:
Massachusetts November 17, 1776 36 Shillings Fr. MA-251 PMG Choice About Uncirculated 58 EPQ.. ...(

North Carolina April 2, 1776 $20 Rattlesnake Fr. NC-169 PMG Choice Very Fine35.
The highest denomination on the series. It is an iconic type with the emblem composed ofthe coiled Rattlesnake and DON'T TREAD ON ME motto representing the rejection ofBritish rule during the American Revolution. There are 13 rattles on the snake, symbolicof the unity of the colonies. The "GL" script monogram, for engraver Gabriel Lewyn, isat the upper left corner. Only 5,000 were printed, and high-grade notes are very scarce torare. Printed on thick laid paper (like the Newman and Coltrane examples) Cited onlywith a "Tear" by PMG. It has full margins and sharp signatures. A justifiably populartype. Lot 94296.
To read the complete lot description, see:
North Carolina April 2, 1776 $20 Rattlesnake Fr. NC-169 PMG Choice Very Fine 35.. ...(
This important collection, featuring over 400 different Colonial note types, will beauctioned online on February 11, 2021, commencing at 6:00 PM Central Time (7:00 P.M.Eastern). Lot viewing is available by appointment only at Heritage's Office in Dallas;contact Jose Berumen at or 214-409-1299.
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see: