The E-Sylum (4/25/2021)
Book Content
In our excitement one topic that didn't come up at our Nummis Nova meeting this month was the recent Coin World special issue on The Most Influential People In Numismatics 1960-2020. I was quite honored to be included, along with fellow Nummis Nova regulars Roger Burdette and Julian Leidman, as well as Numismatic Bibliomania Society stalwarts Len Augsburger, Joel Orosz and David Sundman. Also included were an amazing array of regular E-Sylum contributors and supporters. I've always described our discussions as being like a weekly cocktail party with top numismatists from around the world, and this list is confirmation of that.
The issue was in celebration of Coin World's 60th anniversary. Here's how Managing Editor Bill Gibbs described the effort. -Editor
In devising the original list of several hundred candidates, we decided on a couple of rules: One, the candidates had to be living; Two, current Coin World staff members were ineligible, though I can think of several who would be most deserving of making the final cut; Three, the final list would be winnowed down to 100; and Four, a candidate could be anyone who has had an effect on the hobby (while collectors and dealers dominate the list, some of the candidates serve the hobby in other ways, such as designing the coins we collect). In its final form, we ended up with 96 profiles, with a few candidates either choosing not to participate or proving impossible to contact.
Here's an excerpt from the remarks of Amos Media CEO Rick Amos.-Editor
Rising to the uppermost echelons comes with unique responsibility. These individuals hold sway over the numismatic community. They not only influence but shape the industry's values, direction, investments, choices, and decisions.
At the same time, many are responsible for brands, marketing messages and engagement vehicles; or are experts within associations, corporations, and product development. That knowledge and understanding has become so incredibly valuable not just to those that enjoy coin collecting, but to the industry as a whole because it drives passion, audience development and vision.
That is what Coin World's Most Influential People in Numismatics from 1960-2020 list assesses. As a rule, it focuses on the living, while using a variety of data points to measure influence.
We evaluate influence in several ways, noting innovative ideas, contributions enriching the hobby, leading initiatives that make it better, or a highly visible role in representing their companies in a variety of ways or platforms. Others cultivate and share a particular expertise - around customer experiences, product development, or sustainability - that establishes them as thought-leaders.
More than 200 influencers were eligible for consideration, and we extend our apology to others that should have been considered. The individuals on this list have had a significant effect on numismatics and an impact on how the hobby works. Names on this list include collectors, dealers, researchers, authors, club officials, designers, artists, authenticators, graders, journalists, Mint officials, and more. We also considered reader voting results when making our choices, and a few pointed out that not all nominees had a positive influence.
What makes an individual worthy of a spot on a list of the most influential people? While you will certainly find people who wield traditional power - heads of organizations, CEOs, major dealers - we also include many extraordinary, lesser-known individuals who seized the moment to impact the hobby in meaningful ways. Their work challenges each of us to wield our own influence toward a hobby that is healthier, resilient, more sustainable, and just.
Coin World's Most Influential People is a designation of individuals whose time, in our estimation, has made an indelible mark over the past 60 years. While leaning towards those that have spent more than 30+ years in numismatics, it also includes members who only needed a decade or so to make their mark. .
The issue is a real keeper, with photos and bios of the selected individuals along with articles on the founding of Coin World, the future of numismatics, and more.-Editor
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