The E-Sylum (5/2/2021)
Book Content
Dave Lange writes:
"Peter Huntoon grieved over alterations to B. Max Mehl's Numismatic Bank building, but for a structure that old it has retained most of its original character. The only obvious alteration is enclosure of the open balconies.
I visited the Mehl Building in 2003 while it was being renovated, but I don't have my photos of that trip handy. Attached are some shots from five years later, when the work was completed. These were taken while the leaves were off the trees, so they provide a better view of its details."
Jim Neiswinter writes:
"At the 2015 Early American Coppers (EAC) convention in Dallas a few of us traveled to Ft. Worth to see the Max Mehl building. In 1916 Mehl built his building at 1204 W. Magnolia Ave. Above the front door is a stone carving of a Fugio Cent.
"The building fell into disrepair and was closed in the early1980s. From 2005 to 2007 it was restored at a cost of $2.4 million -almost 100 times its original cost.
"We also went to Mehl's home at 2512 S. Adams St. Since therewas a For Sale sign on the front lawn and the house seemed vacantwe walked around the property and looked in the windows. We weresurprised when a young man opened the door and asked us W.T.F wewere doing. It seems our explanation was good enough because hedidn't call the police.
"The four people are Rich Webber, Jan Valentine, myself, and DaneNeilson."
Thanks, everyone! Great photos.-Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
NOTES FROM E-SYLUM READERS: APRIL 25, 2021 : The B. Max Mehl Building Today(