The E-Sylum (5/16/2021)
Book Content
The American Israel Numismatic Association (AINA) is offering two free Zoom talks for Jewish American Heritage Month. Here's the announcement.-Editor
Mel Wacks and Joel Iskowitz Talks Celebrate Jewish American Heritage Month
May has been proclaimed Jewish American Heritage by every President from George W. Bush to Joseph Biden. On May 23 at 2 PM Eastern Time, Mel Wacks, President Emeritus of AINA and Director of the Jewish-American Hall of Fame will present a lecture via Zoom on
Important Jewish American Medals and Coins.
He will be followed by Joel Iskowitz, longtime participant in the U.S. Mint Artistic Infusion Program, where Joel designed over 50 coins and medals; he will talk about The Victor D. Brenner - Joel Iskowitz Connection and Recent Projects.
To join Zoom meeting, sponsored by the American Israel Numismatic Association (AINA), use the following link or the information that follows:
Meeting ID: 897 4306 6171
Passcode: TheShekel
One tap mobile: +13017158592,,89743066171#,,,,*550333763#
Mel's illustrated talk will begin with the earliest known Jewish American medal, created in 1784 by the colonial silversmith Myer Myers to celebrate a circumcision. The talk will conclude with a dollar in the American Innovation dollar series - issued this year - commemorating the inventor of the first video game console (Odyssey), Ralph Baer.
Joel has felt a particular tie with the early 20th century medalist Victor David Brenner, particularly in that Brenner designed the first Lincoln Cent in 1909, while Iskowitz designed the
Professional Life in Illinois" cent, third of the four cent designs celebrating the centennial of the Lincoln Cent in 2009.
For further information on AINA, visit
For further information about the Jewish-American Hall of Fame, visit
For further information on Iskowitz' Lincoln Cent design, visit