The E-Sylum (6/6/2021)
Book Content
Here are some additional items in the media this week that may be of interest.-Editor
Mark Benvenuto published a nice article in Numismatic News about the rapid changes in design and composition as the U.S. Mint switched over from large to small cents.-Editor
To read the complete article, see:
Six Years, Six Designs, Three Alloys - When We Changed Cents(https://www.numismaticnews.net/collecting-101/six-years-six-designs-three-alloys-when-we-changed-cents)
China's Digital Currency
Kavan Ratnatunga writes:
"I found this YouTube interview on CBDC educational."
To watch the video, see:
hina's Digital Yuan will Change the World | Real Talk China Ep6(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHQFCCkR2bg)
The Dickin Medal winning rat has retired, according to a BBC News article.-Editor
Magawa the rat, who was awarded a gold medal for his heroism, is retiring from his job detecting landmines.
In a five-year career, the rodent sniffed out 71 landmines and dozens more unexploded items in Cambodia.
But his handler Malen says the seven-year-old African giant pouched rat is "slowing down" as he reaches old age, and she wants to "respect his needs".
Magawa was trained by the Belgium-registered charity Apopo, which is based in Tanzania and has been raising the animals - known as HeroRATs - to detect landmines since the 1990s. The animals are certified after a year of training.
Last week, Apopo said a new batch of young rats had been assessed by the Cambodian Mine Action Centre (CMAC) and passed "with flying colours".
Last September, Magawa was awarded the PDSA Gold Medal - sometimes described as the George Cross for animals - for his "life-saving devotion to duty". He was the first rat to be given the medal in the charity's 77-year history.
To read the complete article, see:
Magawa the hero rat retires from job detecting landmines(https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-57345703)
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
DICKIN MEDAL FOR CAMBODIAN LANDMINE RAT(https://www.coinbooks.org/v23/esylum_v23n39a34.html)