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The E-Sylum (7/4/2021)

Book Content


NBS President Tom Harrison submitted this note on events at the upcoming ANA convention. Mark your calendars!-Editor

NBS logoWe are excited to once again be attending the ANA World's Fair of Money in person. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society will be hosting club table #724 from Tuesday - Friday. We will be displaying some of the highlights from our all important charity auction that will be held during the General Meeting on Friday. We will also be offering NBS coffee mugs for a $25 donation to the NBS. Please stop by to say hi and share your thoughts about the NBS.

The NBS will be holding our Symposium on Thursday the 12th at 1:00 PM in room 24. The Symposium will feature a presentation by Rusty Goe who is a recognized authority on the history of the Carson City Mint and its coinage. He will be speaking about his three volume set titled The Confident Carson City Coin Collector. The General Meeting will be held on Friday the 13th at 11:30 AM in room 7. The meeting will include the announcement of the awards for the best articles in our print journal, The Asylum and a presentation by NBS Vice President, Len Augsburger discussing the digitalization of Coin World and Numismatic News. Another highlight will be the charity auction that always provides a fascinating variety of literature. The auction is our one annual fund-raiser, so we hope you will join us to help support the mission of the NBS. Looking forward to gathering in Rosemont.

And here's another nice piece of NBS business at the convention.-Editor

Olivia Crawford, Assistant Editor of The Numismatistwrites:

"It is with great pleasure that I inform you that your publication The E-Sylum has been selected by a panel of judges to receive first place in the "Electronic" category of the 2021 Barbara J. Gregory Outstanding Club Publications competition. Congratulations!

"The ANA Literary Awards will be presented at the World's Fair of Money® in Rosemont during the Member & Awards Celebration on Thursday, August 12, at 3 p.m. in Room 25 of the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center. Winners also will be featured in the September 2021 issue of The Numismatist."

This is a great honor - the competition gets tougher every year as more and more clubs up their online game. Thank you! If you have friends who might enjoy The E-Sylum, just send me their email addresses or direct them to

For more information about NBS, see:

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