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The E-Sylum (7/25/2021)

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Here are some additional items in the media this week that may be of interest.-Editor

Latent Images on Coins

An article by Daniel Baumbach on the Cosmos of Collectibles site examines latent images on coins.-Editor

"There is hardly another modern minting technique that spread as quickly as latent images. There is a good reason for it: a latent image is not only a possibility to make a coin more interesting, it is also a feature that is considered to be forgery-proof. We explain what a latent image is, how it works and how it found its way onto coins."

To read the complete article, see:
Latent Images on Coins(

2022 International Numismatic Congress in Warsaw

CoinWeek published an article by Anne Zapolska about the 2022 International Numismatic Congress in Warsaw. Here's is some text from the Congress website and a link to the CoinWeek article.-Editor

2022 International Numismatic Congress Warsaw logoThe International Congress, which takes place every six years, represents the world renowned event in the field of Numismatics. It is attended by a great number of people and attracts scholars, curators of coin collections, auction houses and auction dealers from the five Continents.

It is organized under the auspices of the International Numismatic Council, founded in 1927to facilitate cooperation between scholars and between institutions in the field of numismatics and related disciplines. In the past the venues have been Paris, Rome, New York - Washington, Bern, London, Bruxelles, Berlin, Madrid, Glasgow and Taormina.

To read the complete article, see:
What You Can Expect From the International Numismatic Congress 2022 in Warsaw(

To visit the International Numismatic Congress website, see:

Fall Toronto Coin Expo Cancelled

Not all coin shows are reopening. An article on the Greysheet site notes that the Fall Toronto Coin Expo has been cancelled.-Editor

Toronto Coin Expo CancelledThe City of Toronto is taking the re-opening phase slowly & cautiously, doing their best to address immediate concerns related the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on the current protocols at our Toronto event facility, the Toronto Reference Library is closed to social gathering events for the 2021 season. The in-person Toronto Coin Expo Fall show, scheduled for October 1-2, 2021, will not be held.

The Toronto Coin Expo prides itself on providing a hub for all of our numismatic community. The 2022 shows are scheduled for April 29-30 & September 30-October 1, and we look forward to seeing everyone at the Spring and Fall Coin Expo shows that will accentuate safety, security, and equality as we welcome new and past ven- dors and attendees to the numismatic community.

To read the complete article, see:
Fall Toronto Coin Expo to be Cancelled(

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