The E-Sylum (8/8/2021)
Book Content
Adrián González-Salinas submitted this information about a new book on Mexico's Numismatic Society Medals. Thank you!-Editor

Catalogue of the Mexico's Numismatic Society Medals 1952-2020 (2nd Edition)
Author: Dr. Luis M. Gómez Wulschner
Width (154 mm) x Length (220 mm) x Thickness (13 mm)
Printing: 500
Pages: 215,(1)
Full Color
- Presentación por Pablo A. Casas-Rábago
- Prólogo by Juan José Risoul-Rosán
- Introducción
- Presentation by Pablo A. Casas-Rábago (english)
- Foreword by Juan José Risoul-Rosán (english)
- Introduction (english)
- Medallas de Aniversario (Anniversary Medals)
- Medallas de Convenciones (Numismatic Conventions Medals)
- Medallas de la 1a. Serie Conmemorativa de la Moneda Mexicana(1st Serie about Commemoratives of Mexican Coinage)
- Medallas de la 2a. Serie Conmemorativa de la Moneda Mexicana(2nd Serie about Commemoratives of Mexican Coinage
- Otras Medallas Conmemorativas (Additional Medals)
- Estampillas Postales de la SoNuMex (Postal stamps related to SoNuMex)
- Tarjetas Telefónicas de la SONuMex (Phone cards related to SoNuMex)
Note: SoNuMex means Sociedad Numismática de México
Mexico's Numismatic Society was founded 11 September 1952.Since 1952, Mexico's Numismatic Society has managed to strike 74 different medals in 8 mexican mints.
The first edition of this catalogue was published in 1996.Every medal has been assigned a catalogue's number including the description of obverse and reverse, the year, mint mark,diameter, the quantity of medals struck in gold, silver, bronze, copper, etc., their availability and some comments to each one.Definitely, it is the best catalogue to know about Mexico's Numismatic Society (SoNuMex) issues (medals, stamps and phone cards), so it's highly recommended to the collector.

For more information, or to order, see:
Catalogo De Medallas 1952 2020 Sociedad Numismatica Mexico(