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The E-Sylum (8/15/2021)

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Numismatic Bibliomania Society President Tom Harrison submitted this short summary of events at last week's ANA show.-Editor

NBS logoAlthough we missed many of our friends at this year's NBS events at the ANA World's Fair of Money, those who were able to attend brought along plenty of enthusiasm for numismatic literature. At the NBS Symposium, Carson City Mint authority Rusty Goe, delivered an entertaining and informative presentation about the Mint on Carson Street.

The general meeting was highlighted by the presentation of The Asylum awards, a talk by NBS Vice President, Len Augsburger, and the annual charity auction. Lawrence Lee received the Jack Collins Award for his fine article John, the Deaf Guy. The Joel J. Orosz Award was presented to Len Augsburger and Joel Orosz for their outstanding article titled The Rare First Printing of The Fantastic 1804 Dollar: An Explanatory and Comprehensive Census of Surviving Copies. Len's talk provided a fascinating look at the digitalization of Coin World and Numismatic News.

Thanks to the many generous donors and enthusiastic bidders, the auction realized just over $9,000. Again this year the club table provided a place for aficionados to gather as well as encourage folks to join the NBS. Thanks to everyone who contributed to a great week of biblio fun and fellowship!

Here are a few photos I took at the events. If any of our readers have additional photos or stories to share, please pass them along.-Editor

2021-08 ANA Len Augsburger Neil Musante at NBS table
Len Augsburger and Neil Musante at the NBS table
ANA 2021-08 NBS General meeting 05 Tom HArrison speakingANA 2021-08 NBS General meeting 07 David Fanning calling sale
LEFT: Tom Harrison opening the meeting
RIGHT: Dan Hamelberg and David Fanning handling the auction
ANA 2021-08 NBS General meeting 13 bidders
Auction bidders
ANA 2021-08 NBS General meeting 14 Len Augsburger speaking
Len Augsburger speaking

To learn more about the Numismatic Bibliomania Society, see:


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