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The E-Sylum (8/15/2021)

Book Content


While The E-Sylum is free to all, only members of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society receive our award-winning print journal The Asylum. Editor Maria Fanning put out these calls for input from members. The first request (for ANA convention tidbits) has a short deadline; the second (for short personal summaries) is open-ended. Please consider contributing something - we'd love to hear from you.

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Contribute to The Asylum!
NBS at the ANA convention

Send your photos and stories from this year's ANA to editor Maria Fanning at by August 24 for inclusion in the next issue of The Asylum.

The BiblioFiles logo

The BiblioFiles Tom Harrison sampleBiblioFiles is a new ongoing feature in The Asylum designed to help NBS members get to know each other better in an increasingly digital world. The purpose is to highlight an NBS member by asking a few brief but fun questions.

To the right is a sample by NBS President Tom Harrison to give you an idea of what we're looking for. Be as creative with your answers as you would like! Please keep the total to a maximum of 350 words, including the questions, since we want to keep the feature to one page. Please email your questions and answers to The Asylum editor Maria Fanning at with a portrait photo for inclusion in an upcoming issue.

Here are some sample questions to choose from. I would suggest choosing3-5 questions, depending on the length of your answers. If you think of another question not on the list that you would prefer to answer, feel free.

  • What is your name (and nicknames)?
  • Where do you live (ie. town, state, country, in a palace, on a farm, by a lake, with three cats)?
  • Where are you most likely to be found (ie. in your library, a bookshop, hiking in a park)?
  • What is your area of special numismatic interest?
  • What is your favorite numismatic reference (ie. book, periodical, catalogue, website)?
  • What is an area outside of your specialty that you would like to know more about?
  • Are you working on any special projects right now (please summarize briefly)?
  • If you could meet someone from numismatic history, who would it be?
  • If you could visit anywhere at any time, where and when would it be?
  • What book, coin or event sparked your interest in building a numismatic library?
  • Is your library mainly for research or do you primarily consider your literature as a collectible itself?
  • If there is one thing you would like other numismatic bibliomaniacs to know about you, what would it be?

We can't wait to get to know you!

E-Sylum Leidman ad02new portrait
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