The E-Sylum (8/15/2021)
Book Content
The Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) is a separate organization from ours, the Numismatic Bibliomania Society (NBS). But we share a love of the numismatic hobby and numismatic research and writing in particular. Congratulations to all of the winners, many of whom are E-Sylum and NBS regulars. Here's the press release for this year's NLG Writers Awards. I've added images of some of the books which were announced or reviewed in earlier E-Sylum issues. See the links below for more information about adding these award-winners to your numismatic library. -Editor
Esteemed researcher and award-winning numismatic author Roger W. Burdette is this year's recipient of The Clemy, the highest honor given by the Numismatic Literary Guild (www.NLGonline.org).
The Clemy is a coveted, annual award presented in recognition of writing skill, dedication to numismatics, sense of humor and dedication to the Numismatic Literary Guild,
explained former NLG Executive Director Ron Guth.
Founded in 1968, the NLG is a nonprofit organization open to any editors, reporters, authors, writers, catalogers, webmasters, bloggers or producers of audio or video involving all forms of money, medals, tokens and other numismatic collectibles. Information about applying for NLG membership is available online at www.NLGonline.org/membership.
The organization's annual awards presentation was delivered on August 6, 2021 and can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yh3xytPDvvE. The video was produced by current NLG Executive Director Charles Morgan.
Here is a list of the 2021 award categories and winner as compiled by NLG awards coordinator David W. Lange.
United States or Early American Coins
The Confident Carson City Coin Collector - Rusty Goe
Ancient or Medieval Coins (pre-1500)
Money and Power in Hellenistic Bactria - Simon Glenn
World Coins (1500 to Date)
A Legacy of Collection: The NC Collection of Chinese Coins - Nelson Chang Paper Money
A Guide Book of Continental Currency and Coins - Q. David Bowers
Tokens & Medals
Old Regime France and its Jetons - James E. McClellan III
Numismatic Investment or Marketplace
Cash in Your Coins - Beth Deisher
Numismatic History or Personalities
Coin Collecting Albums, Volume 3, Whitman Publishing Company - David W. Lange
The Confident Carson City Coin Collector - Rusty Goe
Other top awards went to E-Sylum regulars and supporters Steve Roach, Doug Winter, and Roger Burdette. Congratulations! -Editor
Lee Martin Founder's Award - Best All-Around Portfolio
Steve Roach
The Ribbit
Douglas Winter
The Clemy
Roger W. Burdette
See the CoinWeek article for the complete list of winners.-Editor
To read the complete article, see:
Numismatic Literary Guild Announces 2021 Award Winners(https://coinweek.com/coin-clubs/numismatic-literary-guild-announces-2021-award-winners/)
For more information on the Numismatic Literary Guild, see:
To read the earlier E-Sylum articles, see:
NEW BOOK: CONFIDENT CARSON CITY COIN COLLECTOR(https://www.coinbooks.org/v24/esylum_v24n05a04.html)
NEW BOOK: MONEY AND POWER IN HELLENISTIC BACTRIA(https://www.coinbooks.org/v23/esylum_v23n45a04.html)
NEW BOOK: GUIDE BOOK OF CONTINENTAL CURRENCY(https://www.coinbooks.org/v24/esylum_v24n05a03.html)
NEW BOOK: OLD REGIME FRANCE AND ITS JETONS(https://www.coinbooks.org/v23/esylum_v23n09a03.html)
NEW BOOK: CASH IN YOUR COINS, 4TH EDITION(https://www.coinbooks.org/v23/esylum_v23n40a03.html)
NEW BOOK: COIN COLLECTING ALBUMS, VOLUME THREE(https://www.coinbooks.org/v23/esylum_v23n25a03.html)