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The E-Sylum (8/22/2021)

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Dennis Tucker posted these images on Facebook of a wooden nickel by Bob Fritsch warning about COVID at the 2021 ANA World's Fair of Money.-Editor

Bob Fritsch COVID survival token obverseBob Fritsch COVID survival token reverse

Shortly after the show the ANA published this press release.-Editor

First, we wish to sincerely thank our members and member-dealers for helping to make the Chicago World's Fair of Money® the most exciting numismatic event of the year. This could not have happened without your collective support and participation.

Thousands of attendees, hundreds of dealers, incredible auction lots, informative presentations and awe-inspiring exhibits made this show one to remember. Of course, it was the camaraderie and ability to gather in-person that made the show especially exhilarating.

Unfortunately, several dealers have notified the ANA that they have tested positive for COVID-19 since returning from the show. Although protective measures were in place, the potential for exposure is always a possibility when one leaves home. The ANA is unaware of when, where or how the dealers contracted the virus. (Due to privacy issues, we are unable to provide the names of the infected dealers.)

If you feel ill or are displaying any COVID symptoms, consider quarantining for 10 days and/or getting a COVID test.

To read the complete Facebook post, see:
survival="" token="" courtesy="" of="" bob="" fritsch.="" <="" a="">(

survival="" token="" courtesy="" of="" bob="" fritsch.="" <="" a="">

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