The E-Sylum (9/19/2021)
Book Content
International Association of Professional Numismatists (IAPN)Publication Committee chairman Peter Preston-Morley submitted the following report on the 2020 IAPN Book Prize. Thank you, and congratulations to the winners and nominees.-Editor
I am writing with news of the IAPN Book Prize for 2020, which was competed for last weekend at the organisation's much-delayed 2021 General Assembly, which was staged online via Zoom. The original contest was scheduled to have been held live, in Marseilles, in May 2020, but for obvious reasons associated with the pandemic had to be postponed.
There were 16 nominations, as listed in the attachment. Of necessity, all books eligible had to have been published in 2019.
The clear winner was the Stockholm numismatist Roberto Delzanno, for his self-published 450-page catalogue, Sveriges Guldmynt 1512-2020. Placed second in the voting was the 200-page title by François Joyaux, Monnaies Impériales d'Annam, published by Editions V. Gadoury in Monaco. Third was the groundbreaking 2-volume study by British scholar Hodge Malek, entitled Arab-Sasanian Numismatic History during the Early Islamic Period in Iran and Iraq, published by the Royal Numismatic Society in London.
The prize, Swiss Fr 1,000, and a diploma, will be awarded to Mr Delzanno at a future date.
IAPN Book Prize 2020: Nominations
ABDY, Richard. The Roman Imperial Coinage. Volume II, Part 3, from AD117-138. Hadrian.
Spink, London, 2019
Price: GBP 150. Order from www.spink.com
ANDREWS, Murray. Coin Hoarding in Medieval England and Wales, c.973-1544.
BAR Publishing, Oxford, England, 2019
Price: GBP 61. Order from www.barpublishing.com
BESLY, Edward. Coins and Medals of the English Civil War.
Spink, London/National Museum Wales, Cardiff, 2019
Price: GBP 40. Order from www.spink.com
DELZANNO, Roberto. Sveriges Guldmynt 1512-2020.
Roberto Delzanno, Stockholm, Sweden, 2019
ISBN 978-91-639-9466-1
Price: US $54.95. Order from www.coin-currency.com
EVENSEN, Stein. Ancient Rome by Coins.
Orfeus Publishing, Oslo, Norway, 2019
Price: NOK 400. Order from www.oslomyntgalleri.no
FAULKNER, Christopher. Imperial Designs. Canada's Ships, Colonies &Commerce Tokens.
Spink, London, 2019
ISBN 978-1-912667-11-6
Price: GBP 50. Order from www.spink.com
HARITWAL, Deepak. Coins of the Princely State of Jaipur.
Deepak Haritwal, Long Beach, USA, 2019
ISBN 978-1-64713-468-6
Price: US $60. Order from www.stevealbum.com
HILBERT, Rudolf. Die Elektronprägung von Milet. 2 vols.
Habelt Verlag, Bonn, Germany, 2018 [late 2018: only available to the marketin 2019]
ISBN 978-3-7749-4181-6
Price: €89. Order from www.habelt.de
JENCIUS, Peter. Vatican City Coins 1929-1978.
Peter Jencius, Brooklyn, USA, 2019
ISBN 978-1-7342777-0-8
Price: US $34.99. Order from www.vaticancoins.com
JOYAUX, François. Monnaies Impériales d'Annam.
Editions V. Gadoury, Monaco, 2019.
ISBN 978-2-906602-49-6
Price: €29. Order from www.gadoury.com
LUX, Iván. Identification of Archduke Ferdinand II Tyrolean Thalers.
Iván Lux, Budapest, 2019 [hardback printing of book originally published in2017]
ISBN 978-963-12-9506-1
Price: US $32. Order from ilux0807@gmail.com
MALEK, Hodge. Arab-Sasanian Numismatics and History during the EarlyIslamic Period in Iran and Iraq. 2 vols.
Royal Numismatic Society, London, 2019
ISBN 0-901-405-94-9
Price: GBP 95. Order from www.spink.com
MOORE, Roger. The Coins of Colonial Virginia.
C4 Publications, Baltimore, USA, 2019
ISBN 978-1-64606-131-0
Price: US $95. Order from www.numisbook.com
ROSS, Michael. Jacques Wiener's Most Remarkable Edifices of Europe. TheMan, Monuments, and Medals.
American Numismatic Society, New York, 2019
ISBN 978-0-89722-359-1
Price: US $100. Order from www.numismatics.org
STEVENS, Paul. The Coinage of the Bombay Presidency. A Study of theRecords of the EIC.
Spink, London, 2019.
ISBN 978-1-912667-12-3
Price: GBP 60. Order from www.spink.com
THÉRET, Philippe. Le Franc. Les monnaies, les archives.
CGB Numismatique, Paris, 2019.
ISBN 978-2-37909-000-4
Price: €59. Order from www.cgb.fr
For more information on IAPN Book Prize, see:
Paul Montz of Stephen Album Rare Coins adds:
"Readers might be interested in the candidates that were elected to IAPN membership at our virtual Congress:
- Amos Media
- Mariano Cohen
- Heritage Auctions
- Kolner Munzkabinett
- Lugdunum GmbH
- MDC-Monnaies de Collection
- Moruzzi Numismatica
- Shanna Schmidt Numismatic Inc.
- Vilmar Numismatics LLC
Congratulations to the new members, many of whom are E-Sylum contributors and supporters.-Editor