The E-Sylum (9/19/2021)
Book Content
The Künker firm's fall auction sale includes Part 2 of the Axel Tesmer Collection. Here's a selection of highlights that caught my eye in their September 17, 2021 email newsletter. -Editor
In March, we were pleased to offer you the first part of the Axel Tesmer Collection with coins and medals from Brandenburg-Prussia. Now the second part will be auctioned off. It covers the period from the coronation of Frederick I as King of Prussia to the end of the monarchy.
It is impressive to see how meticulously Axel Tesmer collected objects that document every detail of Prussian monetary history. He did not only appreciate great rarities, he paid special attention to fractional coins which are much more difficult to find when looking for pieces of attractive quality. Roland Trampe describes the collector as follows: In line with his thorough, structured and disciplined manner, Axel Tesmer developed an inventory code and a corresponding cataloguing system for every coin, regardless of whether it was worth 5 DM or more than 10 DM. He did this with great care and attentiveness, and his children sometimes had the feeling that their father's profession was being a coin collector.
A wonderful idea: coin collecting as a full-time job! But isn't it rather the case that collecting coins is a true vocation, enabling a collector to find fulfilment?
Lot number 3155
Frederick I.
2 ducats 1712, Magdeburg.
Very rare. Very fine to extremely fine.
Estimate: 10.000 euros
To read the complete lot description, see:
Friedrich (III.) I., 1701-1713. 2 Dukaten 1712 HFH, Magdeburg. 6.92(https://www.kuenker.de/en/auktionen/stueck/294770)
Lot number 3161
Frederick I.
Reichstaler 1703, Berlin.
Extremely rare. Very fine to extremely fine.
Estimate: 10.000 euros
To read the complete lot description, see:
Friedrich (III.) I., 1701-1713. Reichstaler 1703 CS, Berlin. 29.26 g. Da(https://www.kuenker.de/en/auktionen/stueck/294550)
Lot number 3264
Frederick William I.
Double reichstaler 1719, Berlin.
Extremely rare. Extremely fine +.
Estimate: 50.000 euros
To read the complete lot description, see:
Friedrich Wilhelm I., der Soldatenkönig, 1713-1740. Doppelter Reic(https://www.kuenker.de/en/auktionen/stueck/295185)
Lot number 3334
Frederick II.
Ducat 1745, Berlin.
Extremely rare. Extremely fine to FDC.
Estimate: 10.000 euros
To read the complete lot description, see:
Friedrich II., der Große, 1740-1786. Dukat 1745 EGN, Berlin. 3.47(https://www.kuenker.de/en/auktionen/stueck/270569)
Lot number 3388
Frederick II.
1/3 reichstaler 1754, Berlin.
2nd known specimen. Extremely fine to FDC.
Estimate: 10.000 euros
To read the complete lot description, see:
Friedrich II., der Große, 1740-1786. 1/3 Reichstaler preuß. 1754 A, Be(https://www.kuenker.de/en/auktionen/stueck/303807)
Lot number 3860
Frederick II.
Speciestaler 1755, Berlin.
Extremely rare. About FDC.
Estimate: 50.000 euros
To read the complete lot description, see:
Friedrich II., der Große, 1740-1786. Speciestaler 1755 ohne Münzzeic(https://www.kuenker.de/en/auktionen/stueck/303813)
Lot number 3864
Frederick II.
Levantetaler 1767, Berlin or Magdeburg.
Extremely rare. About extremely fine.
Estimate: 20.000 euros
To read the complete lot description, see:
Friedrich II., der Große, 1740-1786. Levantetaler 1767, Berlin oder(https://www.kuenker.de/en/auktionen/stueck/300594)
Lot number 3965
Frederick William III.
Pattern for the 1798 taler, Berlin.
Extremely rare. Extremely fine to FDC.
Estimate: 25.000 euros
To read the complete lot description, see:
Friedrich Wilhelm III., 1797-1840. Taler 1798 A. Dav. 2602; J. 26; Ol(https://www.kuenker.de/en/auktionen/stueck/304063)
Lot number 1817
Frederick I.
Ducat 1701, Berlin.
Very rare. Extremely fine.
Estimate: 6.000 euros
To read the complete lot description, see:
Friedrich (III.) I., 1701-1713. Dukat 1701 LCS, Berlin. 3.46 g. Fb. 2296(https://www.kuenker.de/en/auktionen/stueck/302705)
Lot number 5366
Frederick William.
Reichstaler 1675, Berlin.
Extremely fine.
Estimate: 3.500 euros
To read the complete lot description, see:
Friedrich Wilhelm, der Große Kurfürst, 1640-1688. Reichstaler 1675, (https://www.kuenker.de/en/auktionen/stueck/198292)