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The E-Sylum (9/26/2021)

Book Content


Robert Hoge writes:

"The Spanish Numismatic Association (the redoubtable ANE -- Asociación Numismática Española -- headquartered in Barcelona) has recently launched under its auspices, with the support of the well-known firm of Aureo & Calicó, an on-line catalogue of all the Medieval coins of the Kingdom of Castile and Leon, based upon the three-volume encyclopedia compiled by Manuel Mozo Monroy. It is called Imperatrix."

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Thank you! Here is the English version of the work's introduction.-Editor

The Imperatrix catalog is a literal excerpt from the numismatic catalog contained in Manuel Mozo Monroy´s book entitled Enciclopedia de la Moneda Medieval Románica, ss. VIII-XIV, volumes I, II and III (Encyclopedia of the Romanesque medieval coinage in the kingdoms of León and Castilla, 8th to 14th centuries). Thanks to the author, Imperatrix came into being to serve as a useful tool in order to easily identify and classify any Christian medieval coins from the kingdoms of León and Castilla between the VIII and XIVth centuries. Researchers, institutions, archaeologists and private collectors will benefit from public access to this catalog. It is presented with the main objective of enriching the scientific outlook on Medieval Numismatics.

This online catalog dates from the first kingdoms, contents which has already been included in the first edition of the Encyclopedia (2017), including addendums with extensions and modifications of coins from the years after publication up to the present.

The completed online catalog dates from Pedro I up to the coining of Princess Isabel and thus chronologically closing the catalog of Christian Medieval Ages of both kingdoms. Therefore, Imperatrix exclusively contains the cataloging part of Manuel Mozo Monroy´s work already mentioned, which will remain the reference for those who wish to have a deeper knowledge of Medieval Numismatics in the history of the kingdoms of León and Castilla.

Due to the evolutionary nature of the investigations, this catalog will be periodically reviewed and updated in order to include new types and numismatic variations discovered or those which have appeared in auctions. From a methodological point of view, future cataloging works will be subjected to a constant process of historiographic and hermeneutic review of sources and bibliography, in order to include coins from archeological discoveries or new coins that may appear, such as from private collections, museum specimens, or coins auctioned by numismatic trademarks.

These revisions will be under the direction of Dr. Ana Serrano PhD in History of Art, specialized in Methodologies of historiographic research, a highly experienced professional with extensive experience in numismatic cataloging and management systems for historical heritage such as DOMUS and SIPHA.

The web version of IMPERATRIX is therefore a joint work due to the effort and knowledge of Manuel Mozo Monroy and Ana Serrano Hernández.

To visit the Imperatrix website, see:

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