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The E-Sylum (10/3/2021)

Book Content


The latest episode of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society podcast is now available for listening. It's on the NBS web site but also available elsewhere. Vice-President/Secretary Len Augsburger provided this report.-Editor

NBS Podcast Napoleonic Medals, with Marc Charles Ricard

NBS Bibliotalk podcast logoThe latest episode of the NBS Bibliotalk podcast, Napoleonic Medals, with Marc Charles Ricard, is now available on the NBS website and other popular podcasting platforms such as Buzzsprout. In this installment, Lianna Spurrier, Bibliotalk producer, interviews Marc Ricard, longtime NBS member and former president. Marc has a broad numismatic library, with one specialty being literature related to Napoleonic medals.

Ricard has a special relationship with these medallic tributes as a descendant of the French engraver Benjamin Duvivier (1730-1819). Duvivier is best known in the American series for the Washington Before Boston medal, while on the other side of the pond he commemorated Napoleon in 1797 with the Treaty of Campoformio medal.

Ricard also has an important collection of Red Books, a specialty so popular that in 2009 Whitman issued A Guide Book of the Official Red Book as a guide to collecting this foundational reference, launched in 1946 and since issued annually. This is a great opportunity to become more familiar with a few of Marc's books and hear stories regarding the formation of this important library.

Link to Napoleonic Medals, with Marc Charles Ricard on the NBS podcast page:

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