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The E-Sylum (10/24/2021)

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Put on your thinking caps, folks. Who would be deserving winners of next year's ANA awards? Who would you like to nominate? It's not hard, but does require some paperwork. Start gathering information about your candidate(s).-Editor

  Recognize Fellow Collectors and Nominate Deserving Hobbyists
Deadline for Award Nominations is Jan. 15
  ANA Service Awards banner 

Each year, the American Numismatic Association (ANA) presents awards to deserving individuals in recognition of outstanding dedication to numismatics. The ANA is now accepting individual nominations for 2022 awards and Numismatic Hall of Fame "Historic Era" candidates.

All nominations can be submitted in writing and online - 300 words or more for the Numismatic Hall of Fame, and 50-100 words for all other awards. Nominations are accepted through Jan. 15, 2022.

  • Numismatic Hall of Fame - "Historic Era" nominees (individuals deceased more than 25 years) will be considered. Candidates are not required to be present or past ANA members.
  • Distinguished Service Award - The ANA's highest honor, this award recognizes years of outstanding, dedicated service to numismatics.
  • Lifetime Achievement Award - Presented to an individual, family, firm or judicial entity for contributions to organized numismatics.
  • Elvira Clain-Stefanelli Memorial Award for Achievement in Numismatics - This award honors women who have made a lasting impact to numismatic community and demonstrated lifelong commitment to the betterment of numismatics, whether through research, leadership or mentorship.
  • Numismatist of the Year - Recognizes individuals within the numismatic community who have demonstrated long-term leadership in the field and to the ANA.
  • Harry J. Forman Dealer of the Year Award - Honors professional numismatists who exhibit uncommon dedication to strengthening the hobby and the ANA and displays exemplary ethical standards as a numismatic dealer.
  • Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture - The award honors an artist whose cumulative lifetime achievements in the field of medallic sculpture have been of the highest order.
  • Adna G. Wilde Jr. Memorial Award for Exemplary Service - Awarded to an ANA member who has dedicated time and resources to strengthen the hobby and further the ANA's educational mission, setting an example for others to follow.
  • Medal of Merit - Recognizes individuals who have dedicated numerous years of service to the ANA and promotion of the hobby.
  • Glenn Smedley Memorial Award - This award honors individuals who have devoted their efforts to the betterment of the ANA.
  • Lawrence J. Gentile, Sr. Memorial Award for Outstanding Adult Advisor -Recognizes individuals who have devoted their time and efforts to recruiting young numismatists new to the hobby, and aiding the development of intermediate to advanced YNs.
  • Young Numismatist of the Year - Honors numismatists under the age of 18 for outstanding contributions to the hobby and who are active in volunteer service and numismatic research.
  • Outstanding District Representative - Recognizes the District Representative who most fully promotes coin collecting, coin clubs and the ANA.

Submit a nomination for a numismatist you find deserving of an award. Information about each of the awards and online submission forms can be found here:

For questions about the awards, please contact or call (719) 482-9811.

The American Numismatic Association is a congressionally chartered nonprofit educational organization dedicated to encouraging people to study and collect coins and related items. The ANA helps its members and the public discover and explore the world of money through its vast array of educational and outreach programs, to include its museum, publications, conventions and webinars. For more information, call 719-632-2646 or visit

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