The E-Sylum (10/31/2021)
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Editing The E-Sylum puts me in a position to be able to connect numismatists from around the world. Recently I helped Tom Hockenhull of the British Museum get in touch with Craig Whitford, who is working with the estate of our friend Money Artist J.S.G. Boggs. Tom had been researching whether or not a Boggs work was indeed in the museum's collection. This fact had been referenced in many published works, but neither Craig nor I had been able to confirm it with the BM. Boggs had been arrested and put on trial in London for counterfeiting because his artwork resembled current banknotes. He was ultimately exonerated.
Craig sent me this piece of good news. Thanks!-Editor
For over 30 years (!) the British Museum has had in their possession one of Boggs' 5 pound notes that was an exhibit in the trial at Old Bailey.
For some reason Boggs never completed the donation paperwork or it was mislaid so very long ago. I assisted Tom with informing the estate of its existence and the importance of it remaining at the British Museum. The estate signed the donation paperwork making it a permanent part of their collection.
Tom will be placing it on permanent exhibit as well as writing an article for the British Museum Magazine in the near future. He also let me know that in about six weeks it'll be added to their online inventory. By searching British Museum Boggs
you'll be able to find it.
Part of the evidence showing Boggs donated this note is the Weschler/Boggs book signing YouTube video starting at the 36:00 minute mark.
This is such an awesome find and now confirms that they've had a piece all this time. I'm sure that Tom's forthcoming article will trace Boggs' and the notes' history and its rediscovery.
To watch the complete video, see:
The Man Who Draws His Own Money: The Value of Currencies Around the World (1999)(