The E-Sylum (10/31/2021)
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This week President Biden gave Pope Francis a challenge coin and a laugh.-Editor
Mr Biden, who is in Rome for the G20 summit, met with Pope Francis for a marathon 90-minute discussion to talk about the Catholic faith and current affairs before handing the Pope a deeply personal gift in honour of Pope Francis' work and to show Mr Biden's own committment to Catholicism.
Mr Biden said: With your permission I would like to give you a coin.
The President held out the shining gold coin which had the US seal on the front of it.
Mr Biden told the Pope how on the back of the coin was the stamp of Delaware, the home state of the US President.
It also bore the seal of the 261st unit his son, Beau Biden, served with during his time in the US military.
The President told Pope Francis the coin was in fact owned by his late son, who tragically died in 2015 from brain cancer, before adding that Beau would want me to give this to you
as the pair shared a special moment.
Biden explained the coins are given to "warriors and leaders" and called Francis "the most significant warrior for peace I've ever met in a touching tribute.
But in a joking moment Mr Biden said: Now the tradition is, and I'm only kidding about this...
If next time I see you, you don't have it, you have to buy the drinks!
The joke sparked laughter in the 84-year old Pope as the two held one another's hands smiling.
While Biden quipped again saying he was the only Irishman you've ever met who has never had a drink
as the pair laughed together.
Pope Francis hit back noting how despite Mr Biden's comments, the President's entourage had brought whiskey
as a gift for the Pope.
While Mr Biden laughed acknowledging that was indeed the case before ending their meeting in Rome.
Are there images of Biden's challenge coin anywhere? Would anyone know who designed it or where it was manufactured?-Editor
To read the complete article, see:
Joe Biden has Pope in stitches with quip in first Rome meeting 'You have to pay!'(