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The E-Sylum (11/7/2021)

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Donna Moon passed along this question from a fellow Central Florida Coin Club via Peter Irion of the Token and Medal Society. -Editor

  Humble Oil and Refinery mystery    medal obverseHumble Oil and Refinery mystery   medal reverse 

John Catiller writes:

"I am attaching the scans of the mystery medallion.

"On the side with the oil man turning the crank it reads; To the men and women of Humble Oil & Refining Company Commemorating their production of one billion gallons of 100 octane gasoline at Baytown refinery. Across the pipe at the bottom it reads: December 14th, 1944 Houston Texas

"On the side with the airplanes it reads; Your achievement in producing a billion gallons of 100 octane gasoline has greatly contributed to the gaining of air supremacy over our enemies. There is a signature then General US Army Commanding General Army Air forces.

"Now here is the mysterious part - in addition to the medal being what appears to be pewter instead of bronze, "1995" is stamped into the metal under the last line.

"I found that about 17,000 bronze versions of this medallion without the 1995 stamp were given to the men and women of the refinery in 1944 in appreciation to WWII.

"But I have not been able to find any references to a pewter version with the stamp. I suspect it might be a re-strike.

"If anyone can help with the origin of this particular medal I would greatly appreciate it."

Nice medal. Can anyone help? -Editor

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