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The E-Sylum (11/7/2021)

Book Content


Looking for a new career in numismatics? With this booming market I'm sure nearly everyone is hiring right now. Here's a notice Stacks Bowers published in their November 5, 2021 E-Newsletter (Vol. 10, No. 45).-Editor

  Stack's Bowers Galleries 

Take advantage of this exciting opportunity to make your hobby your career. Stack's Bowers Galleries is seeking motivated, knowledgeable numismatists on both coasts to join our world-renowned staff of experts. Our firm is expanding and now is a great time to make numismatics your profession. In all cases, compensation will be commensurate with experience.

For our Orange County headquarters we are seeking qualified numismatists who have a solid base of knowledge in the areas of U.S. coins and paper money or world coins and paper money, and enjoy writing and research. The position in each specialty includes processing consignments and helping to prepare authoritative, interesting descriptions of rare coins, tokens, medals, and paper money for our auctions and other presentations. Send your resume, writing samples, and other information to

For our new Philadelphia Gallery, we are looking for a motivated individual with a general, broad-based interest in numismatics. Strong interpersonal and communication skills are essential as the position requires interaction with the public. Responsibilities will include helping clients with purchases and sales, communicating with clients via phone and email, securing auction consignments, and assisting with paperwork and inventory security. Interested? Contact Mark Schimel by phone at 212-582-2580 or by email at

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