The E-Sylum (11/7/2021)
Book Content
Dave Lange's mention of the RCDA (Retail Coin Dealers Association) inspiredPete Smith to submit this great article on U.S coin dealer organizations. Thanks!-Editor
American numismatic trade organizations go back at least to 1946. Some formed to conductlobbying efforts related to state and federal regulation of the industry. Some promoted standardsof conduct to inspire confidence in customers. The regional and state organizations are primarilyin the business of promoting coin shows. Many regional organizations serve the same functionbut don't include coin dealers
in their name.
American Coin Dealers Association, Inc. (ACDA)
They established a code of ethics for dealers but were criticized for loose grading standards.Horace Grant was president in 1946 with Aubrey Bebee as vice president. Frank Katen wassecretary before he specialized in numismatic literature. Initial membership dropped off and theyfaded around 1950.
Professional Numismatists Guild (PNG)
Aubrey Bebee was one of the founding members of the PNG in 1955. They had stricterstandards for membership than the ACDA and remain active in 2021.
Retail Coin Dealers Association (RCDA)
The RCDA was organized around 1960. They conducted annual shows 1964 to 1974. Wilson F. Walters served as president and later as executive director.
National Association of Coin and Precious Metals Dealers (NACPMD)
This was founded in April 1981 as a lobbying organization. Burton S. Blumert was a directorand executive director of the organization. They faded away around 1984.
Industry Council for Tangible Assets (ICTA)
ICTA was formed about 1983 with Luis Vigor as chairman. It supports lobbying efforts forlegislation related to commercial numismatics. The name was changed to The National Coin andBullion Association in 2021.
National Coin and Bullion Association (NCBA)
NCBA is the new name for ICTA as of 2021.
State and Regional Organizations
Some organization names might raise suspicion. There is a dealer who advertises as pastpresident of a dealer organization but that organization does not show up on a search of theNewman Numismatic Portal.
California Coin Dealers Association was incorporated in 1970.
California Professional Numismatists Association was incorporated in 1975. They stoppedadvertising in 1981.
Capital District Coin Dealers Association conducted shows in Albany, New York, 1974 to2020.
Coin Dealers of San Diego County was noted only in 1981.
Dallas Coin Dealers Association (DCDA) was organized June 4, 1978. They conductedshows into 1984.
Hawaii Stamp and Coin Dealers Association was founded in 1982 and active up to 2020(pre-Covid).
Minnesota Organization of Numismatists (M.O.O.N.), was formed about 1963 and conductedannual shows for more than fifty years. They announced that the October 2021 show would betheir last show.
The Lehigh Valley Retail Coin Dealers Association changed their name to PennsylvaniaRetail Coin Dealers Association, Inc. in 1975. Then they disappeared.
Professional Coin Dealers Association of South Florida conducted shows 1983 to 1992.
Retail Coin Dealers Association of Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana held their first convention in1961, and apparently their last.
Texas Coin Dealers Association (TCDA), organized in 1980 for Texas bullion dealers.
Utah Retail Coin Dealers Association left little trace in numismatic media.
There are probably other similar organizations that have not been mentioned.
Thanks to Pete for this great compilation! Many many years of hobby history. Can anyone add to this list? Were any of our readers an officer or member of any of the obsolete organizations? Tell us more! How did they come about? What happened to them? Did they issue any publications? Would anyone have a file or archive of papers tracing their history? If so, could we scan them for the Newman Portal?-Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum articles, see:
QUERY: RETAIL COIN DEALERS ASSOCIATION(https://www.coinbooks.org/esylum_v17n20a17.html)
MORE ON THE RETAIL COIN DEALERS ASSOCIATION(https://www.coinbooks.org/esylum_v17n21a18.html)
HANK BIECIUK AND THE RETAIL COIN DEALERS ASSOCIATION(https://www.coinbooks.org/esylum_v17n22a12.html)
NOTES FROM E-SYLUM READERS: OCTOBER 31, 2021 : Query: Maryland Dealer William Bromley(https://www.coinbooks.org/v24/esylum_v24n44a08.html)