The E-Sylum (11/21/2021)
Book Content
These are selections from the David Lisot Video Library that feature news and personalities from the world of coin collecting. David has been attending coin conventions since 1972 and began videotaping in 1985. The Newman Numismatic Portal now lists all David's videos on their website at:
Here's a 2001 interview with Sacagawea dollar model Randy'L Teton.-Editor
VIDEO OF THE WEEK: August 8, 2001
Videotaped at the ANA World's Fair of Money
Sacagawea, Face of the New Millennium
Join Randy'L Teton, ANA intern, art historian and the model for Sacagawea on the new golden dollar, as she shares her personal experiences of the coin's development. Ms. Teton gives a fascinating intimate history of the young Shasone Indian girl, Sacagawea, from her capture by an hostile Indian tribe to her travels with Lewis and Clark as well as the mystery of her later days. This video includes:
How to CORRECTLY pronounce "Sacagawea" - Sacagawea's story as told through the oral tradition within the Shasone Tribe - The challenges in getting the stories from the Elders of the tribe - Sacagawea's baby as shown on the coin and how she traveled with him - The adventures of Sacagawea's son, Jean-Baptist - How Randy became involved with the program - Her decision to go public as a Native American personality - The stress of public notoriety - How the decision process for the coin design took place - How the proposed images were voted on over the Internet - How Native American Indians have been misrepresented in history - Recommend books to read for young and old
Speaker(s): Randy'L H. Teton.
Length: 48:17
The video is available for viewing on NNP at: