The E-Sylum (12/12/2021)
Book Content
American Numismatic Biographies author Pete Smith submitted this article on 75-Year Members of the American Numismatic Association. Thanks!-Editor
The ANA created the 75-Year Membership Award in 2000 in anticipation that Robert Hepworth Lloyd would qualify in 2001.
Robert H. Lloyd joined the ANA in 1926 as member 3024. He was honored as a 75-Year Member in August 2001. He died at age 103 and had been an ANA member for 83 years, holding the record for longest ANA member.
Wallace T. Miller joined the ANA in 1932 as member 1004096. His 75-Year membership wasannounced in the July 2007 issue of The Numismatist and his death was noted in the October 2007 issue.The 1930 Census shows his year of birth as 1907. The Numismatist carried seven change of addressnotifications from 1932 to 1943. He returned from military service to work at the First National Bank inWarsaw, Indiana. I believe this was Wallace Thomas Miller, Sr., born on June 9, 1906, and died onDecember 14, 1984. Interesting that the ANA didn't discover this when they gave him the 60-year awardin 1992.
Ray. E. Carter joined the ANA in 1932 as member 1004120. His 75-Year Membership was published inJuly 2007 and his death was noted in the August 2007 issue. When he joined, his address was St.Anthony, Idaho. Ray Ervin Carter was born in St. Anthony, Idaho, on October 14, 1908, and died there onMay 25, 1986, at age 77. I suspect someone in the family maintained his membership after his death.
Eric P. Newman joined the ANA in 1935 as member 4624. He was honored in 2010. His death occurredin 2017 after 82 years as an ANA member. This is the second longest tenure after Robert Lloyd.
Lawrence H. Meyer was honored as a 75-Year member in 2010. He had been honored as a 50-YearMember in 1985 as member 4643 indicating that he joined the ANA in 1935. However, member 4643was shown as William Holtzman in 1935. The name of William Holtzman appears in The Numismatisttwenty times from 1930 to 1956. The name of Lawrence H. Meyer appears only three times without anaddress. There is probably a story there but I am not the one to tell it.
Harry B. Solmson, Jr. joined the ANA in 1935 as member 4710. He was honored as a 75-Year memberin August 2010. His death was noted in the issue of September 2010. He served as a lieutenant duringWorld War II and returned to go into the drug business, rising to the position as president of Plough, Inc.before consolidation into Schering Plough Corp. He was born on March 31, 1911, and died on August 4,2006. He is buried at Memphis Tennessee.
Raymond Moulton joined the ANA in 1935 as member 4817. He was honored in 2010. He was an ANAdistrict secretary for Nebraska. He was born on April 22, 1907, and died on April 19, 1999, and is buriedat Omaha, Nebraska.
Carl G. Boehmer joined the ANA in 1936 as member 5422. He was honored as a 75-Year Member inJuly 2011. Canadian Carl Graham Boehmer was born on May 8, 1906, and died on June 8, 2011. He isburied at Kitchener, Ontario. He passed the 75-Year mark but died before he could receive the award. Hisname can be added to the elite group of 100-year-old numismatists.
Philip Weinberg joined the ANA in 1939 as member 7471. His 75-Year Membership was published inJuly 2014. A person who appears to fit was Philip Weinberg born on August 19, 1903, and died onNovember 11, 1997. He is buried at Owings Mills. Maryland.
David M. Kemp joined the ANA in 1939 as member 7579. His 75-Year Membership was published inJuly 2014. He served in the Navy during World War II. When he joined, his address was in Frederick,Maryland. David M. Kemp of Frederick was born on March 22, 1907, and died on May 24, 1999 with 60years of ANA membership.
George Y. Suzuki joined the ANA in 1939 as member 7794. He was honored in 2015. The 1930 Censuslists him born in 1907 and the manager of a jewelry store. Another George Suzuki joined the ANA in1969. I can't confirm the death of the original member but suspect he was not still living at age 108 in2015.
Lee Hornbeck joined the ANA in 1942 as junior member 1009259. He was honored as a 75-YearMember in August 2017. A death notice was published in September 2021. I believe this was Lean (Lea)Hornbeck, born on August 17, 1925, and died on June 3, 2020. That would give him 78 years ofmembership and place him third on the list for length of membership.
Although these twelve were honored with 75-Year Membership, it is possible that only four of them actually lived long enough to deserve it. Perhaps the ANA should make a greater effort to confirm a member is still living before honoring him with a longevity award.
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
ROBERT HEPWORTH LLOYD (1906-2009)(https://www.coinbooks.org/v24/esylum_v24n49a13.html)