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Dorothy C Baber


Married to Al Baber and mother of Larry Baber plus two daughters. Employed as a municipal court clerk.

She began collecting Santa Claus tokens. 

Past President of the California State Numismatic Association 1986 to 1990, the California Exonumist Society, the Token and Medal Society and the Heartland Coin Club. She received the Numismatic News Numismatic Ambassador Award in 1976. 

She received the ANA Medal of Merit in 1988, Outstanding District Delegate Award in 1990, and Glenn Smedley Memorial Award in 1995. Received the ANA Farran Zerbe Memorial Award in 1995. She received the Exemplary Service Award in 2014.

She died at home in El Cajon, California.

Profile:NN WWH 8/15/95

Source credit: Pete Smith, American Numismatic Biographies


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