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1989-W G$5 Congress Bicentennial DCAM

CPG Values (What is CPG?)

Grade CPG Value
PR69 $628.00
PR70 $660.00
OGP* $628.00

Apr Data

231 records found.

    Page 1 of 5
    Description Grade Auction House Sell Price Sell Date
    1989-W $5 Congress PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. PCGS Population: (538). NGC Census: (2390). CDN: $523.07.Whsle. Bid for NGC/PCGS P 70 HA 516 03/18/2024
    1989-W $5 Congress Gold Five Dollar, PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. Ex: U.S. Vault Collection. NGC Census: (2389). PCGS Population: ( 70 HA 468 10/09/2023
    1989-W $5 Congress PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (2382). PCGS Population: (537). CDN: $498.53.Whsle. Bid for NGC/PCGS P 70 HA 576 05/08/2023
    1989-W $5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (2383). PCGS Population: (536). CDN: $468.55.Whsle. B 70 HA 552 01/09/2023
    1989-W $5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. PCGS Population: (532). NGC Census: (2379). CDN: $464.39. Whsle. 70 HA 588 12/08/2021
    1989-W $5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (2356). PCGS Population: (533). 70 HA 384 01/14/2018
    1989-W $5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (2334). PCGS Population: (526). 70 HA 282 12/27/2016
    1989-W $5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (2334). PCGS Population: (526). 70 HA 306 12/13/2016
    1989-W G$5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (2331). PCGS Population: (526). 70 HA 329 11/08/2016
    1989-W G$5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (2317). PCGS Population (523). Numismedia Wsl. Pric 70 HA 341 10/20/2015
    1989-W $5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR70 NGC. NGC Census: (2313). PCGS Population (523). Numismedia Wsl. Price for problem 70 HA 341 07/28/2015
    1989-W G$5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. PCGS Population (523). NGC Census: (2304). Mintage: 164,690. Num 70 HA 323 04/21/2015
    1989-W G$5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. Ex: U.S. Vault Collection. PCGS Population (523). NGC Census: (2 70 HA 306 01/13/2015
    (4)1989-W G$5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (2299). PCGS Population (522). Mintage: 164,690. (Total: 4 coins) 70 HA 1,116 11/10/2014
    1989-W G$5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (2275). PCGS Population (520). Mintage: 164,690. Num 70 HA 423 04/22/2014
    1989-W G$5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. Ex: US Vault Collection. NGC Census: (2268). PCGS Population (52 70 HA 382 02/05/2014
    1989-W G$5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. PCGS Population (513). NGC Census: (2253). Mintage: 164,690. Num 70 HA 382 04/28/2013
    1989-W G$5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (2253). PCGS Population (513). Mintage: 164,690. Num 70 HA 352 04/28/2013
    1989-W G$5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. Ex: U.S. Vault Collection. PCGS Population (520). NGC Census: ( 70 HA 435 04/11/2013
    1989-W G$5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. Ex: U.S. Vault Collection. PCGS Population (520). NGC Census: ( 70 HA 435 04/09/2013
    1989-W G$5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (2247). PCGS Population (512). Mintage: 164,690. Num 70 HA 427 01/03/2013
    1989-W G$5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (2). PCGS Population (511). Mintage: 164,690. Numism 70 HA 411 11/29/2012
    1989-W G$5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (2). PCGS Population (511). Mintage: 164,690. Numism 70 HA 456 11/22/2012
    1989-W G$5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (2). PCGS Population (511). Mintage: 164,690. Numism 70 HA 456 11/20/2012
    1989-W $5 Congress PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. 69 HA 588 08/12/2024
    1989-W Congress Bicentennial Gold $5. Proof-69 Deep Cameo (NGC). 69 Stacks Bowers 528 06/21/2024
    1989-W Congress Bicentennial Gold $5. Proof-69 Ultra Cameo (NGC). 69 Stacks Bowers 480 08/11/2023
    1989-W Congress $5 NGC Proof 69 UCAM 69 David Lawrence Rare Coins 475 08/29/2022
    1989-W Congress Bicentennial Gold $5. Proof-69 Deep Cameo (PCGS). 69 Stacks Bowers 504 04/13/2022
    1989-W Congress $5 PCGS Proof 69 DCAM 69 David Lawrence Rare Coins 535 08/17/2020
    1989-W $5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. PCGS Population: (4905/530). NGC Census: (3172/2361). 69 HA 300 09/12/2018
    1989-W $5 Congress Gold Five Dollar, PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. PCGS Population: (4872/526). NGC Census: (3160/2330). CDN: $273 69 HA 306 09/27/2016
    1989-W $5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. PCGS Population: (4872/526). NGC Census: (3160/2330). CDN: $273 W 69 HA 306 09/27/2016
    1989-W $5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR69 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (3148/2317). PCGS Population (4863/525). Numismedia 69 HA 323 03/01/2016
    1989-W G$5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR69 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (3107/2277). PCGS Population (4823/520). Mintage: 16 69 HA 329 07/08/2014
    1989-W G$5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. Ex: US Vault Collection. PCGS Population (4816/520). NGC Census: 69 HA 306 06/08/2014
    1989-W G$5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR69 Ultra Cameo NGC. Ex: U.S. Vault Collection. NGC Census: (3098/2274). PCGS Popula 69 HA 352 03/04/2014
    1989-W G$5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. Ex: U.S. Vault Collection. PCGS Population (4791/520). NGC Cen 69 HA 376 04/25/2013
    1989-W G$5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. PCGS Population (4791/520). NGC Census: (3070/2258). Mintage: 16 69 HA 388 04/23/2013
    1989-W G$5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. Ex: US Vault Collection. PCGS Population (4791/520). NGC Census: 69 HA 372 04/23/2013
    1989-W G$5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. Ex: US Vault Collection. PCGS Population (4786/520). NGC Census: 69 HA 400 04/18/2013
    1989-W G$5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. Ex: US Vault Collection. PCGS Population (4786/520). NGC Census: 69 HA 400 04/16/2013
    1989-W G$5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. Ex: US Vault Collection. PCGS Population (4786/520). NGC Census: 69 HA 400 04/16/2013
    1989-W G$5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. Ex: U.S. Vault Collection. PCGS Population (4786/520). NGC Cens 69 HA 400 04/11/2013
    1989-W G$5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. Ex: U.S. Vault Collection. PCGS Population (4786/520). NGC Cens 69 HA 400 04/09/2013
    1989-W G$5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. Ex: U.S. Vault Collection. PCGS Population (4786/520). NGC Censu 69 HA 400 04/09/2013
    1989-W G$5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. PCGS Population (4765/511). NGC Census: (48/2). Mintage: 164,690 69 HA 411 01/14/2013
    1989-W G$5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. PCGS Population (4765/511). NGC Census: (3058/2246). Mintage: 16 69 HA 441 12/20/2012
    1989-W G$5 Congress Gold Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. PCGS Population (4765/511). NGC Census: (48/2). Mintage: 164,690 69 HA 411 11/29/2012
    1937 Roanoke, North Carolina 350th Anniversary. MS-67 (PCGS). CAC. 67 Stacks Bowers 690 08/20/2013

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