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1995-W G$5 Atlanta Olympics Stadium DCAM

CPG Values (What is CPG?)

Grade CPG Value
PR69 $628.00
PR70 $660.00
OGP* $628.00

Apr Data

137 records found.

    Page 1 of 3
    Description Grade Auction House Sell Price Sell Date
    1995-W $5 W Olympics Stadium PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (709). PCGS Population: (155). CDN: $498.53. Whsle. Bid for 70 HA 511 05/08/2023
    1995-W $5 Olympic/Stadium Gold Five Dollar PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. PCGS Population: (154). NGC Census: (708). CDN: $464.39.Wh 70 HA 564 12/08/2021
    1995-W $5 Olympic/Stadium Gold Five Dollar PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. 1 of 500. PCGS Population: (32). NGC Census: (0). 70 HA 540 05/19/2021
    1995-W $5 Stadium Five Dollar PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (706). PCGS Population: (153). CDN: $432.99.Whsle. Bid for 70 HA 360 09/11/2019
    1995-W $5 Stadium Five Dollar, 20th Anniversary, PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. PCGS Population: (32). NGC Census: (0). 70 HA 408 12/12/2018
    1995-W $5 Stadium Five Dollar PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (692). PCGS Population: (149). 70 HA 336 01/16/2018
    1995-W $5 Stadium Five Dollar, 20th Anniversary, PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. PCGS Population: (34). NGC Census: (0). 70 HA 388 04/25/2017
    1995-W $5 Stadium Five Dollar, 20th Anniversary, PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. PCGS Population: (34). NGC Census: (0). 70 HA 400 04/25/2017
    1995-W $5 Stadium Five Dollar PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (683). PCGS Population: (148). 70 HA 352 01/31/2017
    1995-W $5 Olympic/Stadium Five Dollar PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (683). PCGS Population: (147). 70 HA 282 12/27/2016
    1995-W $5 Olympic/Stadium Gold Five Dollar PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (683). PCGS Population: (147). 70 HA 352 11/08/2016
    1995-W $5 Stadium Five Dollar PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (682). PCGS Population: (147). 70 HA 306 10/04/2016
    1995-W $5 Stadium Five Dollar PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. Ex: U.S. Vault Collection L/M. NGC Census: (681). PCGS Population: (147 70 HA 352 09/13/2016
    1995-W $5 Stadium Gold Five Dollar PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. Ex: U.S. Vault Collection L/M. NGC Census: (681). PCGS Population: 70 HA 329 09/06/2016
    1995-W G$5 Olympic/Stadium Gold Five Dollar PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (673). PCGS Population (168). Numismedia Wsl 70 HA 329 05/19/2015
    1995-W $5 Stadium Five Dollar PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (673). PCGS Population (168). Numismedia Wsl. Price for pr 70 HA 352 05/05/2015
    (2)1995-W $5 Olympics Stadium Gold Five Dollar PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. Ex: US Vault Collection L/M. NGC Census: (672). PCGS P (Total: 2 coins) 70 HA 822 04/26/2015
    Stadium $5 1995-W PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. Ex: US Vault Collection. PCGS Population (166). NGC Census: (670). Numismedia Wsl. 70 HA 499 06/08/2014
    1995-W G$5 Olympic/Stadium Gold Five Dollar PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. PCGS Population (165). NGC Census: (662). Numismedia Wsl 70 HA 352 07/14/2013
    1995-W G$5 Olympic/Stadium Gold Five Dollar PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. PCGS Population (160). NGC Census: (661). Numismedia Wsl 70 HA 417 04/28/2013
    1995-W G$5 Olympic/Stadium Gold Five Dollar PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (661). PCGS Population (160). Numismedia Wsl 70 HA 411 04/28/2013
    1995-W G$5 Olympic/Stadium Gold Five Dollar PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. Ex: U.S. Vault Collection L/M. NGC Census: (662). PCGS Po 70 HA 435 04/11/2013
    1995-W G$5 Olympic/Stadium Gold Five Dollar PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. Ex: U.S. Vault Collection L/M. NGC Census: (662). PCGS Po 70 HA 423 04/09/2013
    1995-W G$5 Olympic/Stadium Gold Five Dollar PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. Ex: U.S. Vault Collection L/M. NGC Census: (662). PCGS Po 70 HA 435 04/09/2013
    1995-W G$5 Olympic/Stadium Gold Five Dollar PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (0). PCGS Population (157). Numismedia Wsl. 70 HA 456 11/15/2012
    1995-W Olympic Stadium $5 PCGS Proof 69 DCAM 69 David Lawrence Rare Coins 450 09/05/2022
    1995-W Olympic Stadium $5 NGC Proof 69 UCAM 69 David Lawrence Rare Coins 340 01/21/2019
    1995-W $5 Stadium Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. Ex: U.S. Vault Collection. PCGS Population: (2121/150). NGC Census: (11 69 HA 312 04/24/2018
    1995-W $5 Stadium Gold Five Dollar PR69 Ultra Cameo NGC. Ex: U.S. Vault Collection L/M. NGC Census: (1142/681). PCGS Popul 69 HA 329 09/06/2016
    1995-W $5 Stadium PR69 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (1120/671). PCGS Population (2098/166). Numismedia Wsl. Price for prob 69 HA 329 07/08/2014
    Stadium $5 1995-W PR69 Ultra Cameo NGC. Ex: U.S. Vault Collection L/M. NGC Census: (1120/666). PCGS Population (2096/166). 69 HA 352 03/04/2014
    1995-W $5 Olympic/Stadium PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. Ex: Signature of John M. Mercanti, 12th Chief Engraver of the U.S. Mint. P 69 HA 329 07/11/2013
    1995-W $5 Olympic/Stadium PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. PCGS Population (2087/165). NGC Census: (1116/662). Numismedia Wsl. Price 69 HA 329 07/11/2013
    1995-W G$5 Olympic/Stadium Gold Five Dollar PR69 Ultra Cameo NGC. Ex: U.S. Vault Collection L/M. NGC Census: (1116/662). PC 69 HA 400 04/11/2013
    1995-W G$5 Olympic/Stadium Gold Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. Ex: Signature of John M. Mercanti, 12th Chief Engraver of 69 HA 411 04/09/2013
    1995-W G$5 Olympic/Stadium Gold Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. Ex: Signature of John M. Mercanti, 12th Chief Engraver of 69 HA 400 04/09/2013
    1995-W G$5 Olympic/Stadium Gold Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. Ex: Signature of John M. Mercanti, 12th Chief Engraver of 69 HA 423 04/04/2013
    1995-W G$5 Olympic/Stadium Gold Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. Ex: Signature of John M. Mercanti, 12th Chief Engraver of 69 HA 411 04/02/2013
    1995-W G$5 Olympic/Stadium Gold Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. Ex: Signature of John M. Mercanti, 12th Chief Engraver of 69 HA 411 04/02/2013
    1995-W G$5 Olympic/Stadium Gold Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. Ex: Signature of John M. Mercanti, 12th Chief Engraver of 69 HA 411 04/02/2013
    1995-W G$5 Olympic/Stadium Gold Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. Ex: Signature of John M. Mercanti, 12th Chief Engraver of 69 HA 411 03/28/2013
    1995-W G$5 Olympic/Stadium Gold Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. Ex: Signature of John M. Mercanti, 12th Chief Engraver of 69 HA 411 03/28/2013
    1995-W G$5 Olympic/Stadium Gold Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. PCGS Population (1993/157). NGC Census: (13/0). Numismed 69 HA 441 11/27/2012
    1995-W G$5 Olympic/Stadium Gold Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. PCGS Population (1993/157). NGC Census: (13/0). Numismed 69 HA 441 11/22/2012
    1995-W G$5 Olympic/Stadium Gold Five Dollar PR69 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (13/0). PCGS Population (1993/157). Numismed 69 HA 441 11/22/2012
    1995-W G$5 Olympic/Stadium Gold Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. PCGS Population (1991/157). NGC Census: (13/0). Numismed 69 HA 441 11/15/2012
    1995-W G$5 Olympic/Stadium Gold Five Dollar PR69 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (13/0). PCGS Population (1991/157). Numismed 69 HA 441 11/15/2012
    1995-W G$5 Olympic/Stadium Gold Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. PCGS Population (1988/157). NGC Census: (13/0). Numismed 69 HA 411 10/21/2012
    1995-W G$5 Olympic/Stadium Gold Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. PCGS Population (1989/157). NGC Census: (13/0). Numismed 69 HA 411 10/11/2012
    1995-W G$5 Olympic/Stadium Gold Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. PCGS Population (1988/157). NGC Census: (13/0). Numismed 69 HA 441 09/18/2012

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