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1785 Copper Inimica Tyrannis Confederatio Large Circle BN

CPG Values (What is CPG?)

Grade CPG Value
VF20 $48,000.00
VF30 $100,800.00
XF45 $108,000.00
AU50 $120,000.00

Apr Data

3 records found.

    Page 1 of 1
    Description Grade Auction House Sell Price Sell Date
    1785 Gen. Washington / Confederatio Copper. W-5645, Baker-9, Musante GW-03, Breen-1125. Rarity-7+. Large Circle. VF-30 (PCGS). 30 Stacks Bowers 84,000 03/20/2023
    1785 General Washington / Confederatio, Large Stars Copper, Baker-9, Breen-1125, W-5645, High R.7, VF20 NGC. 20 HA 31,200 04/22/2021
    1785 COPPER General Washington / Confederatio, Large Circle Cent, Crosby Plate VII, No. 14, Baker-9, Breen-1125, Whitman-5645 50 HA 116,331 05/01/2016

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