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1942-S 1c RB

CPG Values (What is CPG?)

Grade CPG Value
MS63 $6.75
MS64 $8.10
MS65 $12.15
MS66 $20.25
MS67 $68.00
MS63 CAC $8.10
MS64 CAC $9.72
MS65 CAC $14.58
MS66 CAC $27.00
MS67 CAC $81.00

Apr Data

4 records found.

    Page 1 of 1
    Description Grade Auction House Sell Price Sell Date
    1942-S 1C MS65 Red and Brown PCGS. 65 HA 11 09/27/2005
    1942-S 1C, RB 66 HA 15 07/18/2000
    Lot of Mint State Lincoln Cents NGC (4 Coins) 66 David Lawrence Rare Coins 47 03/20/2023
    1942-S 1C Doubled Die Obverse, Repunched Mintmark, FS-101, MS65 Red and Brown NGC. (FS-018.94). NGC Census: (0/0). PCGS Po 65 HA 198 01/11/2022

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