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1794 Cent Talbot NEW YORK RB

Apr Data

16 records found.

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    Description Grade Auction House Sell Price Sell Date
    1794 Talbot, Allum & Lee Cent. Fuld-4, W-8590. With NEW YORK. Small & on Reverse. Copper. Lettered Edge. Proof-63 RB (PCGS). 63 Stacks Bowers 1,292 03/31/2016
    1794 Talbot, Allum, & Lee Cent, NEW YORK, PR63 Red and Brown PCGS. Fuld-4, Rulau-E-NY-877, W-8590. PCGS Population: (2/10). 63 HA 1,680 08/18/2024
    1794 Talbot, Allum, & Lee Cent, NEW YORK, PR63 Red and Brown PCGS. Fuld-2, W-8570.From The James E. Blake Collection o 63 HA 1,980 09/05/2023
    1794 Cent Talbot, Allum & Lee Cent PR64 Red and Brown PCGS. CAC. 64 HA 2,530 08/02/2009
    1794 Talbot, Allum, & Lee Cent, NEW YORK, PR64 Red and Brown PCGS. CAC. Small ampersand, thick planchet. Fuld-4, W-8590. 64 HA 2,640 07/15/2024
    1794 Cent Talbot, Allum & Lee Cent PR64 Red and Brown PCGS. 64 HA 2,990 08/02/2009
    1794 Talbot Cent PR RB NEW YORK 65 Superior 4,025 05/27/2003
    1794 CENT Talbot, Allum, & Lee Cent, NEW YORK, PR65 Red and Brown PCGS. CAC. Fuld-4, W-8590, R.1. 65 HA 4,800 01/08/2020
    1794 CENT Talbot, Allum, & Lee Cent, NEW YORK, PR65 Red and Brown PCGS. Fuld-2, W-8570, R.1. 65 HA 5,040 12/15/2022
    1794 Cent Talbot, Allum & Lee Cent, PR65 Red and Brown PCGS. 65 HA 5,040 07/12/2018
    1794 Cent Talbot, Allum & Lee Cent PR65 Red and Brown PCGS. 65 HA 5,280 11/08/2018
    1794 Cent Talbot, Allum & Lee Cent PR65 Red and Brown PCGS. CAC. Fuld-4, W-8590. 65 HA 8,225 01/14/2013
    1794 Cent Talbot, Allum & Lee Cent PR65 Red and Brown PCGS. Fuld-4, W-8590. 65 HA 9,200 11/10/2011
    1794 Cent Talbot, Allum & Lee Cent PR65 Red and Brown PCGS. 65 HA 9,775 03/07/2008
    1794 Cent Talbot, Allum & Lee Cent PR65 Red and Brown PCGS. Fuld-4, W-8590, R.1. 65 HA 10,062 02/06/2011
    1794 Cent Talbot PR65 Red and Brown PCGS. Lovely rose, magenta, orange, and gunmetal-blue colors adorn this 1794 Talbot, Al 65 HA 11,501 03/04/2006

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