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Entry Details
Coin Date: 1976-D Denomination (Short): $1 Denomination (Long): One Dollar Variety: Type 1, Peg Leg Variety 2: FS-401 Desg: MS Mint Mark: D Composition: 75% copper; 25% nickel Mintage: 21,048,710 Strike Type: Business Coinage Type: Eisenhower dollar Coinage Years: 1976 Mint Location: Denver Diameter: 38.1 Weight (Grams): 22.68 Designer: Obv: Frank Gasparo; Rev: Dennis Williams Edge: Reeded Obverse Description: Bold portrait of Dwight D. Eisenhower, facing left, with the motto IN GOD WE TRUST in front of the President's neck. The word LIBERTY is centered on the top periphery and the date, listed as "1776-1976" centered at the bottom. Mint mark, if any, is positioned just below the bust. Reverse Description: The Liberty bell is positioned in front of a full moon with the motto E PLURIBUS UNUM off the lower right of the bell. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA * ONE DOLLAR * are written around the periphery. General Notes: The lower portion of the R in LIBERTY is polished off so no serifs are visible. NGC ID: B76N