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1892-3 SC$1 Columbian Expo, Chicago City Seal, Aluminum HK-168

CPG Values (What is CPG?)

Grade CPG Value
MS62 $130.00

Apr Data

2 records found.

    Page 1 of 1
    Description Grade Auction House Sell Price Sell Date
    1893 World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago Dollar, Aluminum, HK-168, Eglit-153, R.5, MS63 NGC. Census: 4 in 63, 2 finer (6/2 63 HA 169 08/26/2024
    1893 World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago Dollar, Aluminum, HK-168, Eglit-153, R.5, MS62 Deep Prooflike NGC. 62 HA 149 05/22/2023

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