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2017-W G$5 Boys Town Centennial DCAM

CPG Values (What is CPG?)

Grade CPG Value
PR69 $628.00
PR70 $660.00
OGP* $628.00

Apr Data

5 records found.

    Page 1 of 1
    Description Grade Auction House Sell Price Sell Date
    2017-W $5 Boys Town Centennial Gold Five Dollar PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (0). PCGS Population: (65). CDN: $498.35. 70 HA 492 09/27/2023
    2017-W $5 Boys Town PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (0). PCGS Population: (62). CDN: $509.67.Whsle. Bid for NGC/PCGS PR70 70 HA 600 05/08/2023
    2017-W $5 Boys Town Gold Five Dollar, PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. PCGS Population: (59). NGC Census: (0). CDN: $464.39. Whsle. Bi 70 HA 504 12/08/2021
    2017-W Boys Town $5 PCGS Proof 70 DCAM (First Strike) 70 David Lawrence Rare Coins 600 08/03/2020
    2017-W $5 Boys Town Gold Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. PCGS Population: (40/59). NGC Census: (0/0). CDN: $439.39.Whsle. 69 HA 372 12/08/2021

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