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2019-W $1 Silver Eagle DCAM

CPG Values (What is CPG?)

Grade CPG Value
PR69 $100.00
PR70 $119.00
OGP* $100.00

Apr Data

155 records found.

    Page 1 of 4
    Description Grade Auction House Sell Price Sell Date
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. 70 HA 84 01/06/2025
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, First Strike PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. 70 HA 90 01/06/2025
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, First Day of Issue, Congratulations Set, PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. 70 HA 84 01/06/2025
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, First Strike, Cleveland Arrows 1 of 500 PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. Thomas S. Cleveland Signature. PCGS P 70 HA 73 11/27/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, First Strike, Cleveland Arrows 1 of 500 PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. Thomas S. Cleveland Signature. PCGS P 70 HA 89 11/20/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, First Strike 1 of 500 PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. 70 HA 104 11/13/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, First Strike, Thomas Cleveland Signature, Native American 1 of 500 PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. 70 HA 77 11/06/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, First Strike PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. 70 HA 94 10/21/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, First Strike PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. 70 HA 89 10/21/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, First Day of Issue PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. 70 HA 89 10/21/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. 70 HA 89 10/21/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. 70 HA 89 10/21/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, Early Releases PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. 70 HA 89 10/21/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, Early Releases PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (5180). PCGS Population: (6543). 70 HA 89 10/21/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, First Strike PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. 70 HA 99 08/12/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, Early Releases PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. 70 HA 84 08/12/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, Congratulations Set, First Day of Issue PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. 70 HA 79 08/12/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. Jim Lovell Hand- Signed ASF Lovell Signature, one of 500. NGC Census: (25294). 70 HA 79 07/17/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, Congratulations Set, First Day of Issue, FUN Show PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. Charles Vickers Signature. 70 HA 77 07/17/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, 2021 US Mint Auction PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. One of 247 Auctioned. NGC Census: (25215). PCGS Populati 70 HA 77 07/03/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, First Strike PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. PCGS Population: (6543). NGC Census: (5181). 70 HA 84 07/01/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, First Day of Issue, Denver, PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. The PCGS insert is hand-signed by John M. Mercant 70 HA 84 07/01/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, First Day of Issue, Philadelphia, PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. The PCGS insert is hand-signed by John M. M 70 HA 79 07/01/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, First Day of Issue, Washington DC, PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. The PCGS insert is hand-signed by John M. 70 HA 71 07/01/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, First Day of Issue, FUN Show, PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. The PCGS insert is hand-signed by John M. Merca 70 HA 84 07/01/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, Congratulations Set, First Day of Issue, Mint Engraver Series, Denver PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. The PCG 70 HA 119 07/01/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, Congratulations Set, First Day of Issue, Mint Engraver Series, FUN Show PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. The P 70 HA 139 07/01/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, First Strike, 1 of 500 PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. The PCGS insert is hand-signed by Thomas S. Cleveland. 70 HA 71 07/01/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, First Day of Issue, FUN Show, PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. The NGC insert is hand-signed by John M. Merca 70 HA 104 07/01/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, Early Releases PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. The NGC insert is hand-signed by John M. Mercanti. NGC Census: 70 HA 99 07/01/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, First Day of Issue PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. The NGC insert is hand-signed by John M. Mercanti. NGC Cen 70 HA 84 07/01/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, First Day of Issue, Washington DC, PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. The NGC insert is hand-signed John M. Merc 70 HA 104 07/01/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, 2021 US Mint Auction PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. One of 247 Auctioned. NGC Census: (25212). PCGS Populat 70 HA 139 06/19/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, Congratulations Set, First Day of Issue, Mint Engraver Series, Mercanti Signature, Philadelphia PR70 70 HA 149 05/01/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, Congratulations Set, First Day of Issue, Mint Engraver Series, Mercanti Signature, Washington DC PR70 70 HA 169 05/01/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, Congratulations Set, First Day of Issue, Thomas S. Cleveland Signature Art Deco, FUN Show PR70 Deep C 70 HA 99 05/01/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, Congratulations Set, First Day - Philadelphia, Mercanti Signature PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: 70 HA 104 05/01/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, Congratulations Set PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. Box included. PCGS Population: (271). NGC Census: (0). 70 HA 89 04/29/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, First Day of Issue, Struck at West Point, Mint Engraver Series PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. The PCGS inse 70 HA 264 04/29/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, Congratulations Set, First Day of Issue, Mint Engraver Series, Philadelphia PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. T 70 HA 169 04/29/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, First Day of Issue PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. The NGC insert is hand-signed by Charles Vickers. NGC Cen 70 HA 89 04/29/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, Early Releases PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. This NGC Insert is hand-signed by John M. Mercanti. NGC Census 70 HA 139 04/29/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, Congratulations Set, First Day of Issue, FUN Show PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. This NGC Insert is hand-sig 70 HA 159 04/29/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, Congratulations Set, First Day of Issue, Mint Engraver Series Mercanti Signature, FUN Show PR70 Deep 70 HA 84 04/24/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, Congratulations Set, First Day of Issue, Mint Engraver Series Mercanti Signature, FUN Show PR70 Deep 70 HA 109 04/24/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, Early Releases, Mike Castle Signature PR70 Ultra Cameo NGC. NGC Census: (5181). PCGS Population: (6 70 HA 69 04/24/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, Congratulations Set, First Day of Issue, Mint Engraver Series Mercanti Signature, Denver PR70 Deep Ca 70 HA 104 04/17/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, First Strike, Cleveland Eagle with Sun 1 of 500 PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. PCGS Population: (403). NGC C 70 HA 104 04/17/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle, First Day of Issue, Jim Licaretz Signature, PR70 Deep Cameo PCGS. PCGS Population: (1666). NGC Cens 70 HA 67 04/10/2024
    2019-W $1 Silver Eagle PR69 Ultra Cameo NGC. PCGS Population: (884/2665). NGC Census: (4170/25141). CDN: $62 Whsle. Bid for 69 HA 75 04/29/2024

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