1871 G$1
CPG Values (What is CPG?)
Grade | CPG Value |
AU58 | $3,000.00 |
PR60 | $3,560.00 |
PR61 | $4,000.00 |
PR62 | $4,500.00 |
PR63 | $5,310.00 |
PR64 | $7,810.00 |
PR65 | $16,800.00 |
PR66 | $24,000.00 |
AU58 CAC | $3,560.00 |
PR60 CAC | $4,060.00 |
PR61 CAC | $4,750.00 |
PR62 CAC | $5,310.00 |
PR63 CAC | $6,000.00 |
PR64 CAC | $8,750.00 |
PR65 CAC | $18,000.00 |
PR66 CAC | $28,800.00 |
NNP Encyclopedia data is provided in cooperation with Whitman Brands, based on catalog data organized by the Greysheet Identification System (GSID).