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Entry Details
Coin Date: 2020 Denomination (Short): Set Denomination (Long): Set Variety: 400th Anniversary of the Mayflower Voyage Proof Gold Variety 2: 2 Coins Desg: PR Mint Mark: W Mintage: 4,850 Strike Type: Proof Coinage Type: Modern Commemorative Coinage Years: 2020 Mint Location: West Point Edge: Reeded General Notes: <p>
The joint 400th Anniversary of the Mayflower Voyage Silver Proof Coin and
Medal Set from the United States Mint and The Royal Mint features an
exquisite one-ounce silver coin and medal with designs telling the complex
narrative of the <em>Mayflower’s</em> journey from the American and British
historical viewpoints.
The two world-renowned mints’ close collaboration in producing this unique
set reflects the importance of the <em>Mayflower </em>voyage’s milestone
anniversary to both countries. It also marks the first American-British
pairing of a silver coin and medal in the same set, powerful numismatic
symbols of the countries’ special and enduring relationship.
The dual set’s silver medal and coin are artfully crafted to present both
nations’ perspectives of the <em>Mayflower </em>voyage and its history,
lending a deeper and richer context. The United States Mint’s 400th
Anniversary of the Mayflower Voyage Silver Proof Medal and the reverse of
The Royal Mint’s Silver Proof Coin feature similarly styled designs, all by
United States Mint Artistic Infusion Program artist Chris Costello.
The United States Mint silver medal obverse features a <em>Mayflower </em>
family bracing against the cold and windy weather, foreshadowing their
coming hardships, while the ship is anchored in the harbor. A pair of
mayflower blossoms flank the design. Inscriptions are “A CIVIL BODY
POLITICK,” “1620-2020,” and “MAYFLOWER COMPACT.”
The United States Mint silver medal reverse depicts a Wampanoag man and
woman employing a planting technique used to grow several crops that were
staples for the Wampanoag people. This method helped keep the soil healthy,
maintaining the resources for annual plantings and successful harvests. The
inscription “SUSTAINERS OF LIFE” recalls not only this sustainable planting
technique but the critical skills the Wampanoag people afforded the
Pilgrims by teaching them how to successfully plant and harvest the land.
The additional inscription is “PEOPLE OF THE DAWN.”
The Royal Mint silver coin obverse features the fifth definitive coinage
portrait of Her Majesty The Queen. Created by Jody Clark, it has appeared
on U.K. coins since its introduction in 2015.
The Royal Mint silver coin reverse depicts the <em>Mayflower </em>almost
bursting out of the frame as it sails through the rough seas. This dramatic
interpretation of the ship on its journey to the New World represents the
unwavering determination of the passengers and crew. The design features
the inscriptions “1620,” “2020,” and “MAYFLOWER” in commemoration of the
400th anniversary.
The coin and medal for this set are encapsulated and enclosed in a cadet
blue presentation case. The year “1620,” a mayflower blossom, and “2020”
appear on the inside lid of the presentation case. They are secured in an
outer packaging of similar color. An outer sleeve decorated with the U.S.
and U.K. flags, United States Mint Seal, The Royal Mint logo, and the
product name complement the packaging.
A beautiful Certificate of Authenticity with a brief story of the <em>Mayflower </em>departure and arrival is included along with information
about this collaborative set. Both the Director of the United States Mint
and the Deputy Master/Chief Executive of The Royal Mint signatures are
included on the certificate along with the product limit. These
certificates are individually numbered and the United States Mint product
limit for this set is only 9,200.