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Trade Dollars, Proof (1873–1885)

Trade dollars were minted from 1873 through 1885 and designed by William Barber. While Trade dollars were generally considered legal tender in the United States, they were originally intended to circulate in Asia alongside silver coins from other nations. Proof Trade dollars were minted for each year of the series, though business-strikes were struck only during 1873 through 1878, meaning the last six years of the run ? from 1879 through 1885 ? saw only proofs.

Proof Trade dollars were struck in numbers ranging from about 500 to 1,000 pieces during most years, and grade-for-grade these are priced within close range of each other. The rarest proof Trade dollars are the 1884 and 1885, which saw mintages of only 10 and 5, respectively. The 1884 proof Trade dollar has six-and seven-figure market values while the 1885 dollar is a solid seven-figure coin. Across the board, cameo and deep cameo proof Trade dollars are scarce and usually notch premiums well above listed bid, ask, or retail prices pertaining to pieces without frosted devices.

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