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Patterns (1827)

History and Overview

If any patterns were produced at the Philadelphia Mint in 1827, no record of them exists today. However, there is a copper version of the 1827 restrike quarter dollar from mismatched dies. Silver restrikes have been added as J-48a, these being very early restrikes from polished dies, with an appearance quite unlike the rusted-die restrikes normally seen.

Collecting Perspective

The restrike quarter dollars of 1827 were made at an unknown location, perhaps at the Mint itself, from mismatched dies, probably in the 1850s. The obverse is the regular die for the 1827/3 quarter dollar (a great rarity in original form),2 while the reverse is from another variety, used in 1819. Two silver restrikes are known from unrusted dies, indicating a separate coinage at an earlier time. These are from highly polished dies showing striae from the polishing process.

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