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William Sumner Appleton


Born in Boston, Massachusetts, son of Nathan. Graduate of Harvard in 1860. Married Edith Stuart August 12, 1871. He never engaged in business. He devoted his time to numismatics and historical studies. He specialized in the study and collection of medals. He received the Mickley 1804 dollar from Edward Cogen in trade for duplicates valued at $775. Appleton coins were included in Steigerwalt sales May 21, 1907, and January 18, 1910. Others were in Elder sales May 10 and July 8, 1913. His library was included in one of the Elder sales.

Appleton contributed to the Betts book on colonial medals. Appleton contributed many articles to the AJN listing medals from his collection. Author of Description of a Selection of Coins and Medals Relating to America, Exhibited to the Massachusetts Historical Society in 1870; Issues of the Mint of the United States in 1876; and Description of Medals of Washington in 1878. He served on the Publishing Committee of the Journal of Numismatics from 1870 to 1891. He died in Boston.

His collection of medals was bequeathed to the Massachusetts Historical Society. They were catalogued for sale at auction by Stacks March 29-31, 1973. The consignment was withdrawn shortly before sale.

bio: DAB; TCBDA; WWWA-2; E-Sylum 1/28/24

obit: AJN 37 Apr 1903 page 126-127

photo: AJN 38 Jan 1904

Source credit: Pete Smith, American Numismatic Biographies


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