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Richard R. Lussier


Author of Austro-Hungarian Orders Medals and Decorations. Graduated from  California State University Long Beach with a bachelor's degree in Health Science, and then from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), where he earned a Master of Science degree and a doctoral degree in Public Health. Professionally he was a faculty member in the Health Science Department at California State University Long Beach for 22 years, and then spent 25 years in federal service first as Deputy Director for Medical Education for the Western United States and later as the Coordinator shared training for the Department of Veterans Affairs. He retired from government service in 2013. 

He has been a collector of the awards of the Austrian and Austro-Hungarian Empire for more than 50 years and has been doing the research on which his publication is based for more than 40 years. His research is ongoing. He has previously contributed to the medal collector community by serving as the President of the Southern California chapter of the Order and Medals Society of America for 6 years and the Monographs chairman of the Order and Medals Society of America for two years. In addition he has for the last two years published a twice monthly blog on Austrian and Austro-Hungarian awards on the Order and Medals Society of America web site (

Author of Austro-Hungarian Orders, Medals and Decorations (2020).


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